Chapter VIII - The Roots Of Education Are Bitter, But The Fruit Is Sweet

Start from the beginning

A favor. A dangerous thing for me to accept. Right about now, Horikita knows nothing of me nor cares to. If I were to accept, what she might do could end up coming back and hurting me in the future. However, necessary sacrifices must be made. It's not a deal that's mostly on my side, but it isn't one that isn't entirely opposing me either.

"That's fine but I have a condition of my own since you changed your reward. I want an extension of your aid for four more months," I requested.

"Fine by me."

And so, with that out of the way, we exchanged contact information and I left Horikita to her own devices. I went to my room with a few ideas in mind about the Student Council business but nothing is ever that simple so I scratched all of them and rested on my bed and looking through my phone until I fell asleep.

The next day, everything was different. When I arrived in class. Chabashira-sensei was already there. From the looks of it, she was here before anyone else. Normally, she would arrive after everyone was in class but there was a distinctive feeling to her. Nothing is normal, the entire ambience has changed.

When everyone had taken their seats, Chabashira-sensei had begun to speak.

"Alright, I'll make this explanation simple. Starting in two days, a special exam will take place. One unlike the previous exams you've taken."

I took a brief look around the room and everyone had confused looks on their faces. It was logical to feel frustrated after hearing the words exam just after finishing one but it was slightly different. She said it's unlike the previous exams, in fact she said 'special exam'. It might be as I predicted, everything is not as it seems.

"Uh, so what's this about Chabashira-sensei? Special exam?" asked a student.

"Yes, I was getting to that. In the next two days, a special exam is taking place as I've said. We call this the Majority Nomination Special Exam."

As she said that, she began handing out a packet for everyone. The front cover only reads "Rules", Nothing more, nothing less.

"This special exam is grade wide so only you first years will be taking it. Of course, it is different from the special exam the second and third years took as to prevent any sort of cheating," she continued, "Throughout the entire special exam, you will be asked to install an app on your phone for one time use only. From there, certain prompts will be asked throughout Class-A through D. Each of you will select a student from either this class or the other class to nominate. Majority of the votes for nomination wins what the prompt has said."

To put it simply, from our phones, we will be asked to nominate a student for something. Which ever student receives the most amount of votes for said nomination, wins whatever is promised.

During Chabashira-sensei's explanation, I thoroughly looked through the rule book we were given and examined everything word for word as not to leave anything out.


- A total of ten prompts will appear via designated app. A ten minute discussion period will be taking place before each prompt.

- No student will be permitted to abstain from voting. Penalty for violating this is expulsion.

- For every prompt, each student may nominate other students from within or outside their own class. Students are restricted from voting for themselves. Student with majority vote wins the prompt.

- An extended prompt is delivered at the end of the exam wherein only one class (class that was nominated by the rest) will be taking part in on behalf of the other three classes.

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