Don't Go...Please...

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AN: wow, I say this a lot... Sorry for not  posting! I haven't had the time... And just haven't had the motivation... But, I'm back! I hope you enjoy the new chapter of "Love? No I'm Just His Assistant!"


As punishment for being late I want you to Aestivate the broadcasting club! (You & Yashiro) why? (me) well, they've been spreading harmful rumors about other apparitions around the school...and as you know apparitions have to follow their rumors or they'll cease to exist...

(end of recap)

(Yashiro) Wait why me! he already doesn't like me! (Hanako) mhm~ fair point- Y/n do you mind going? (You) no, I don't mind! I'm honestly curious about your brother! (Hanako) You sure? (You) mhm! of course!

(No ones pov)

"Why does he get a choice on going!?" Ask Yashiro a bit angered. "Because he wasn't late, and never is~" Said Hanako "Mhmf" Yashiro seemed up set due to what Hanako said.  "I'm gonna go start investigating the brodcasting club". Said Y/n          " Okay, stay safe Y/n..." Said Hanako & Yashiro.

(Yashiro's pov)

As soon as Y/n left the room I started to speak. (Me) Hanako? (Hanako) yes, Yashiro? (Me) do you have feelings for Y/n? (Hanako) w-what are you talking about!? O-of course not! (Me) You sure~ you're blushing~~ (Hanako) N-no I'm not! (Me) mhm~ sure.

(Your pov)

Where the hell is the broadcasting club! ( your  thoughts: why did I say that out  allowed...)  (?) Why you do you wanna know? (I hear a devious voice behind me.) (You) because I want to join? (?) REALLY!? THAT'S GREAT NEWS!!!  (You) it is? (?) MHM! (You) Can you show  yourself? (?) Of course!

Suddenly you saw a ghost boy who looked like  Hanako! But he had a  seal black on the left side on his cheek instead of a  white one, on the right cheek. And the new ghost boy had a more dangerous but playful oura than Hanako.  All these thoughts were rushing threw your head as the boy suddenly started to speak.

(?) My names Tsukasa! What yours? (You) its Y/n L/n (last name) (Tsukasa) why so formal? (You) ummm because why not? (Tsukasa) you're an odd one, but I already like you non the less! (You) Thanks? (Tuskasa started to giggle) (Tsukasa) let's get  going!
(You) yeah let's go.

I hope you have/had a good day!/if it wasn't I hope it gets/got better!  I hope enjoyed the chapter! Another thing this is the longest chapter I've done in awhile! Anywayyyys this is Alastor signing off!

Word count: 433

Love? No I'm Just His Assistant! (Hanako X Trans Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن