stay with me~ (reposted)

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(You) I was want to sleep- but no I have to go to school.
(Mom) hurry up Y/n! (You) okay- (I get ready as fast I as I could because I knew if I wasn't fast enough my mom would leave me) (Mom) that's it I'm done waiting! (You) wait, wait! I'm done getting ready...and she's already gone okay-  great.

(At school)

Hanako's pov

(Me) why he late- (Yashiro) I dont know... But I didn't see him this morning. (Me) mhm- you sure? (Yashiro) Im sure

(Suddenly we hear someone come busting into the door, it was Y/n!!!!)

(Me) why are you so late? (You) I'm so sorry I woke up late and I couldn't get a ride to school! (Yashiro & Hanako) oh! That makes since. (Hanako) I knew you werent going to be like Yashiro by always be late!

(Your pov)

(Hanako said this in a teasing tone but Yashiro didn't take the comment to well so she started to hell at Hanako.)

(Yashiro) really hanako!? How rude! (Hanako) Yashiro I was only teasinggggg (Yashiro) Mhfm! I'm leaving. (Hanako) comeeee dont leave!
(The time during the conversation you didn't say a word because you thought it was awkward.)

(Hanako) and she walked out the door- *sigh* (as soon as he said that he turned to you and said) okay! You ready to become my assistant today? (You) yes,yes I am. (Hanako) here, Take this! (Hanako gave you a skull shaped locket)

(You) Why are you giving this to me? (Hanako) put on, then I'll tell you. (You) okay- (as soon as you put the locket Hanako gave you a huge hug and said)

(Hanako)  because I wanted to be able to do this!(Hanako chuckles a  bit) (you) you could of said something first

(You smile, and hug him back)

(Hanako) nope! That would ruin my fun! (He said in a teasingly ) (you) okay, okay I have to go  to class! (Hanako) I mean you could always skip~ and stay with me~  (you) mhmmmmm, alright. (Hanako) really!?

Hanako's pov

(Hanako's thoughts) I can't believe they're going to stay with me!!! (You) sure (As soon as I heard that I jumped into y/ns harms to give them another hug.
(You) so what do you want to do? (Hanako) how about we seal the contract of you being my assistant! (You) how do we do that? (Hanako) like this~

(Hanako puts your chin up and kisses you then) (Hanako) awww you're so red right now~ (your way to embarrassed to say anything) (Hanako's thoughts) why did I tell him that? I guess I just wanted to kiss him? Weird... And why do I want to do I it  again???
AN: I just realized how bad the grammar was so I fixed! I also
added some things!

(Your pov)

Ah- um...what now... ( you say this quietly do to being embarrassed)

(Hanako) mmmm~ what about playing cards with the Mokka!
(You) that'll work.  (Hanako) okay! You stay here I'll get the Mokka.

(Yashiro pov)

Mhmf! Hanako is such a jerk! And why is so much nicer to Y/n!? Does he like him!? *gasp* I can write a fanfic about them!!!!

(AN: Sound familiar? No? It should-) 

(My thoughts: I was think of ideas for the fanfic when  I suddenly heard a faint whisper)

(?) Helloooo~ my little dirty daikon~ (me) Shut Hanako! I dont want to talk to you! (Hanako) don't worry I only need you to tell me where to find the Mokka. (Me) No! (Hanako) eh- why not? (Nene) because you'll turn them into Mokka soup or something!

(Hanako) *gasp* Nene I'm hurt, that you'd make such thing up!
(Me) I'm not making up! It literally happened last week, because you were mad that you kept losing at cards! (Hanako) u-uh- that never happened! (Me) sure- (Hanako) anywayyyyy me and Y/n wanna play cards with them! Oh, never mind I see one right there!

(My  thoughts: oh god- he might actually kill one this time...)

(AN: No Mokka were hurt in the making of this chapter! I promise!)

(Hanakos pov)

I float over to the Mokka to see if they wanted to play cards but I'm most of them ran away from me- I wonder why

(Mokka) Ahahaha! He's going to turn us into Mokka soup!!!! Run away! Run away!

AN: I can't write anymore I don't have any more ideas I hope you have/had a great day.

This is karma signing off

Word count: 736

Love? No I'm Just His Assistant! (Hanako X Trans Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora