Always a Leader and Never A Follower

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Always A Leader and Never A Follower

Lord Andrew Charles Howard is the youngest son and child of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior and Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart and he was born on the 2nd day of Yuletide at Norfolk Estate that was built by the hands of his paternal great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard has never been a follower but he has always been a leader and his cousins, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second, Lord Thomas William Howard, Lord Frederick William Howard The Third and Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Alexander Charles Stuart all look up to him as their leader and in fact he is the one that stands up to his father in 2270, when the issue of marriage arises.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior approaches his son, nephew, grandnephew, and his many cousins on the subject of them marrying.

It is Lord Andrew Charles who looks at his father and with him are his many cousins and Lord Andrew Charles looks at his father " None of us marry until we are good and ready father."

"Where it is written that we have to marry the woman that our father has picked for us.? Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Show me the rule and was it sanctified by The United Federation of Planets in 2165." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I can ask Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley." Lord Richard William Carey tells his first cousin twice removed, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR.

"My grandfather was allowed to marry for love and my father as well and I will do the same." Lord Richard William Carey states.

"My own father married for love also." Lord Frederick William Howard The III tells his cousin, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior.

"So did my father, Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior too." Lord Richard Edward The Second states.

Lord Thomas William Howard remains quiet as he was never told if his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather married for love or not.

Lord Alexander Charles Stuart and Lord David William Beck parents were forced to marry each other and neither of their parents were happily married to each other.

In fact, Lord David William Beck tells his granduncle, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior " I don't remember my mother or father as I was raised by my grandaunt, Lady Charlotte Augusta Stafford on Star Base 10."

"I know what my grandaunt told me that her nephew and your niece were not happy." Lord David William Beck explains.

"I never knew my great-grandfather." Lord David William Beck states, " He omits me from the Succession of Norfolk because my grandfather didn't have a son but a daughter. I wonder where he got his damn education from granduncle."

"My great-grandfather places my third cousin, Lord Richard William Carey so far down the line of the succession because he comes from the matrilineal line of Lord Frederick William Howard, and he omits the Patrilineal line of Lord Frederick William Howard The Second as well." Lord David William Beck states.

"My great-grandfather omits the Patrilineal line of Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior." Lord David William Beck states.

"Lord Frederick William Howard didn't omit Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior or Lord Andrew Charles Howard." Lord David William explains.

"I am sorry father. None of us will marry until we are good ready. The two marriages you made for my two brothers were nothing but failures." Lord Andrew Charles states " You are afraid to admit it."

"You do have grandsons from my two sisters, Lady Patricia Charlene and Lady Charlotte Augusta." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third has been married for 19 years now and Lord Patrick William Howard The Second has been married for 12 years now and not one child has they produced." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Now you turn to my cousins and me to give you a direct male line heir/heiress to the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"We are not breeding studs to have your grandchildren, great-nephews or nieces nieces, or great-great-nephews or nieces, or cousins." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"None of us will partake in this archaic marriage game that you play in." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"Tell me something father? When you had any of us did you love us or did you just have us so you could use us in your marriage game?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I know my mother and you never loved each other and she and you just muddled through this sham of a marriage arranged by my two grandfathers." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

" I love all my children, Lord Andrew Charles. I was there with your mother and by her side when she gave birth to each of our children." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior tells his son.

"It is no big secret that your mother and I were in love with someone else when we married, but we did our duty to her father and my father." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior states.

"Your mother loved Lord James Bourbon, and I loved Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior tells his son.

"Lord Bourbon was a Roman Catholic and your damn maternal grandmother would never allow her only daughter to marry a Roman Catholic as she would never allow her only son to do so." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior states.

"Your grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior won't let me marry the daughter of a Viscount." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells his youngest son.

"Despite our many differences. We still have five children and you are our youngest son and child." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior states, "

" I am telling you, none of us will marry until we are good and ready and I know that Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second and Lord David William Beck and I won't marry the daughter of a damn aristocrat." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"We know that they won't come from Star Base 12 or from any Star Base. " Lord Andrew Charles states, "We do that they will make us very happy."

"Only then will you get your first two male line grandchild and grand-nephew or niece." Lord Andrew Charles states, "Your first great-great-nephew or niece."

Lord David William Beck, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second, Lord Frederick William Howard the Third and Lord Thomas William Howard stand side by side with Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard is their leader but they don't all agree with him but they admire him for standing up for them against Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior, the Patriarch of The Howard family since 2240. 

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