Chapter 24: Stars in the Matrix

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Twilight sighs and clears his throat. "I think that's enough talking for thi-" Twilight gets interrupted by the driver. "What debts do you owe him?" The driver asks. "He gave me some of his blood. He let me have a piece of his heart. It's always been hard for me to find a group or place I felt that I belonged. After my father died, I was shunned by all my family members but my mother. My classmates made fun of me at the time because I no longer had a father who picked me up from school or spent time with me at the park. It was a lot." I say.

Then I silently cry into the upper part of my green dress. Trevor rubs my back. "It's ok to be misunderstood. One day you'll find a group where you belong. Maybe you'll find someone who will erase that odd loneliness you feel inside."

"My first husband husband told me we should aim for all that we want but- I-I didn't want to tell him that when I was a child and I achieved trophies or upgrades... I was told by everyone around me at that time: that I shouldn't be proud or aim to be great. A lot of my adult family members, excluding my mom, wished death on me or wished I'd runaway and end up a homeless orphan." I say between sobs. Twilight rolls his eyes.

"Oh my- You're lying to get them to feel sorry for you and give you attention. Ash, what adult in their right mind would say that to a child?" Twilight says and taps his finger on the door.

"They did say it to me and anyone else around that would listen to their mean words. Look at your insensitive reaction to what I'm saying. It's that sort of behavior that makes me think if people hate me and want me dead so bad then I don't need to be on this planet anymore.   As I said before, people can help themselves get better and they sure don't need my help to do it." I say and wipe my wet face with my dress.

"You're a mage. Your job is t-" The driver interrupts Twilight again. "Doesn't your husband and children love you? If the people on this planet hate you, wouldn't they hate them too?" I nod.

"Yes, that's why I refuse to have or give birth to any children on this planet. That's why I tell my first husband we'll exist in his galaxy on his Sun as a family." I shrug again. Twilight reaches for the wheel and a strong force presses him to the door. I look at Trevor and his eyes glow red. Then I look at his father in the rear view mirror. His eyes are red too. The traffic around us disappears and I grab the door handle. Darn it! It's locked.

The surroundings around me blur until I find myself sitting beside my pale blue husband on a grey couch. I look around us in confusion. The huge rectangular windows around us has warm sunlight flooding through them. The light is so bright you cannot see the details of what is outside the windows. I look back at my husband. His eyes are still glowing red while he looks at his lap with narrowing eyes. I touch his hand and he pulls it away from me and looks at Twilight in reaper garb. Twilight clicks his pen nervously on his writing pad. "You said my wife will reveal how much she wants Earth to return to how it was when the reptilians, androids, and greys oversaw it. That's not what she said. You were trying force that decision on her. You were-" My husband says and grips his white pants.

"I was trying get back home. She may not have been comfortable there but I was." Twilight says and sighs.

"There is no home for you to get back to. I split up the dimensions." Twilight shrugs and speeds up clicking the button on the pen.

"Then send me where you sent Ms. Dean and the other magicians." My husband laughs.

"You want to go into a dimension I locked away. Where you will become your Mother's possession like everyone else there? Since you have the power to travel between worlds, you are dangerous to my progress on maintaining the separation of dimensions. Maybe you need a little help forgetting what you won't ever see again?"

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