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I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door creaking open. As I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed, I saw my dad standing in the doorway with a big smile on his face.
"Happy birthday!" he exclaimed, holding out a wrapped gift towards me.

I smiled back at him, feeling grateful for his thoughtfulness. But as I looked around the room, I realized with a sinking feeling that it was all just a dream. Tom wasn't lying next to me and we weren't back together after all.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to hide my disappointment.
My dad noticed my sad expression and came over to give me a hug.
"What's wrong?" he asked softly.
"It's nothing," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "Just...a bad dream."

As he left the room, I lay back down on the bed and let out a deep sigh. Even though it had just been a dream, it felt so real that it hurt to wake up from it. But as I opened the gift from my dad, I realized that there were still plenty of reasons to be happy on my birthday - even if things with Tom were still uncertain.

1 groggily rolled out of bed and stumbled over to my dresser, rubbing my eyes and yawning as I tried to shake off the last remnants of sleep. As I began rummaging through my clothes for something to wear, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread building up inside me - another day at school awaited.

After finally settling on an outfit, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but notice how tired and worn out I looked. It was as if the weight of the world was sitting on my shoulders.

But as I finished getting ready for school, something inside me shifted. Maybe it was the thought of seeing my friends again or the prospect of learning something new. Either way, I felt a glimmer of hope start to shine through.

As I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door, I took a deep breath and reminded myself that every day was a new opportunity - a chance to start fresh and make things better. Even if things weren't perfect right now with Tom or anything else in my life, there was still hope for a brighter future ahead.

As I walked down the crowded school hallway, I suddenly saw my best friends Avril and Bill walking towards me with big smiles on their faces. "Happy birthday!" they exclaimed in unison, holding out a wrapped gift and a bag of goodies towards me.

I couldn't help but feel touched by their thoughtfulness. Even though things had been tough lately, it was moments like this that made me feel grateful for the people in my life who cared about me.

As I opened their gifts and thanked them, I noticed Tom standing in the background, looking a little sad. It was as if he wanted to be part of the celebration but didn't know how to approach us.

I walked over to him and smiled. "Hey," I said softly. "Thanks for coming. Tom looked up at me with a half-smile. "Of course," he replied quietly.

Even though things were still complicated between us, it felt good to be able to share this moment with him - even if only for a little while.

As we chatted and laughed with Avril and Bill in the noisy hallway, I felt a sense of happiness wash over me - one that I hadn't experienced in a long time. Even though things weren't perfect.

The school day had been a blur of classes and homework, but as I sat in the cafeteria with my friend Avril, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the support she had shown me on my birthday.

"So how was your day?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink. "It was...okay," I replied with a shrug. "But it got better when you and Bill surprised me this morning. Avril smiled. "I'm glad we could make you feel special."

As we talked and laughed together, 1 had an idea. "Hey, do you want to come to my birthday party this weekend?"
Avril's eyes lit up. "Of course! When is it?"
"On Saturday night," I replied. "I'm having it at my house - just a small gathering with some friends."

"Sounds like fun," she said with a grin.
I hesitated for a moment before adding, "And..Tom is invited too if he wants to come."

Avril nodded understandingly. "I think that's a great idea," she said gently. "It'll be good for both of you to spend some time together outside of school."

As the bell rang and we headed off to our next class.

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