Chapter 17

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Word count: 2281
Hope you enjoy! :)

Today was the day.

She had been planning for this whole week, strategizing and collecting all the equipment needed. Secretly of course!

Now the first thing she planned was her patrol time since previously staying up and running around for many hours in the cold wasn't a very nice experience. She had felt sore all the time, tired, and got sick multiple times throughout her time of being a vigilante. And that's not including injuries. So she needs to pace herself to be of any use, and after some planning she had decided to patrol during Friday and Saturday night. Not a lot, but she'll manage and it won't affect her school life that much. Maybe after a while if she gets used to these patrols she might increase her hours.

It kind of sucks though because she isn't a night owl, actually quite the opposite. So staying up will be a slight problem at the start, maybe she could buy some coffee to help. Even though she doesn't really like it.

She's also decided to get a weapon. Well it isn't much of a weapon since it's a pipe, but she thinks it's good enough for this circumstance.

She actually found the thing in an alleyway. Lying around and what not. And she knows that stealing isn't okay to do, but the thing looked really worn down and had a layer of dust covering it. So, she took it and stored it in her new vigilante bag she had gotten.

Now the reason she wanted it in the first place was because she could combine her ability with it.

Let her explain.

Electricity can travel through metal, right? And if the pipe made out of metal then as result it'll be sort of like a taser when she's fighting. Which will be a big advantage in close combat, especially if the opponent doesn't know her ability.

And there won't be a problem with the opponent finding out, that's because of two things.

For one she'll limit her ability use. So that the opponent won't know the full extent of her ability and therefore might underestimate her. It's also so that people won't tie her vigilante self to her civilian self since she kind of realized that the Authorities probably have an ability database and someone can easily search up her ability type and where she was sighted. And boom, she'll be there. It's quite obvious and she's kind of surprised that they haven't found her yet.

So because of that she's going to go under a new identity. Mostly so that Arlo, Blyke, Isen, Seraphina, and Elaine won't find out and try to stop her. But also just like she stated before, she was very messy in keeping her identity covered.

So throughout the week she's been trying out ideas on her new costume. More specifically techniques on how to keep her identity a secret.

She firstly started with her hair, since it's quite a big indicator. Dying it wouldn't really be that sustainable and putting on a wig would be hard since it could fall off while she's fighting. The only other options she's got is to cover it fully.

So, after some scrounging around she found a black beanie. It was one of those things that she had bought on impulse and only worn it a couple of times.

Now moving onto her eyes. She had two thoughts in mind, either putting on some goggles or coloured lenses. She had both in stock, the red lenses from last Halloween and the goggles from swimming lessons she previously attended when she was younger.

She chose the lenses after some time. The reason being that the goggles covered her whole view in green and the sides of her vision were sort of blocked which wouldn't really help in a fight.

She actually wondered that if she used her ability while wearing lense would her eyes glow red as well.

Maybe she could try it out after putting on her costume.

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