Chapter 12

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By the way, Panadol is kind of like painkillers but is mostly used to get rid of headaches. Just telling you since I know some places don't have Panadol, or don't call it by that name.
Hope you enjoy!

Bored. That's what he felt right now. Well, it was no surprise since his schedule was made by the most boring person in the world (Valerie). Like his whole day consisted of studying and training. And it's not like he hasn't tried changing or not following it. Valerie's patience just seems to be stronger than his determination.

Speaking of Valerie she seems to be hammering him right now in their friendly little spar without abilities. Well, more accurately she was attacking him without any chances for him to do the same. So right now he was dodging each punch and kick that came his way since blocking those hits would result in a lot of bruises that he didn't want to deal with.

Dodging a punch to the face, he tried to go in for an attack but a kick to the side of the stomach stopped him. He fell using the momentum of the fall to roll and get up.

He was kind of glad that Valerie allowed a fight without ability usage, since she was more and more pressurizing about him using his ability. He was still scared of hurting her though, especially with his ability. No, scared wasn't the right word he was just... he doesn't know how to explain it. Like this feeling of deep regret would overwhelm him whenever he even thought of attacking, and then he would see her. Strangely enough though this never occurred when he was angry.

Barely dodging another punch to the gut, he realized that he was getting cornered. Great, she was definitely doing this on purpose. Probably egging him on to attack. He sighed, really not wanting for this to continue.

Another punch, this time it was directed at the face. He ducked, trying to get out of the corner he was stuck in but Valerie shifted over blocking the way out. He grumbled, knowing that the only way for this fight to end was to attack her.

He clenched his hands into fists and then tried an uppercut to the jaw. She dodged of course and countered by kneeling him in the balls. He fell, not bothering to get up after the blow. Goddammit that freaking hurt, why did she have to go for that area?

After a few seconds he looked up to Valerie, noticing how she didn't seem too happy. Well that's what he saw from her eyes and the slight frown.

"John, we've been practicing everyday for the past month and you still have great trouble properly attacking. You've been fighting for many years and from your record you seem to be able to take down people quite well. So why aren't you able to perform the same as before?" She paused, expecting an answer but he just stayed quiet. She sighed and looked straight at him. He immediately looked down onto the ground, the concrete looked more appealing at the moment.

"I just don't want to hurt you, I'm too dangerous." He mumbled after a few seconds of silence. After registering the answer she sighed in response, and put her hands onto his shoulders.

"John, power requires control. Anyone can be dangerous if they do not control themselves, especially high-tiers. Of course, your fighting style is also quite destructive. You naturally aim to cause continuous physical pain until the opponent can't handle it, winning the fight as a result. Training is supposed to teach you to control yourself and also fight efficiently." She said, moving away from him. He processed the words, hoping that they were true. Maybe if he controlled himself then he wouldn't be so dangerous, right?
Valerie raised her arms up, "Alright, let's go again."


"You know, I don't understand why your aunt wants me to hang out with you." He said, lying on his bed. He already knew the answer but didn't understand why Valerie thought Arlo was a 'good' influence.

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