Chapter 6

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I don't know if Valerie is a good cook, but it seems to me that it would fit her character much better if she could cook good. So, yeah.
This one is a bit longer so hope you enjoy!

It had been about an hour since he had arrived at Valerie's house and he had been spending that time brainstorming. Well, more specifically debating whether or not to just make a run for it. On one hand he definitely didn't like it here and didn't want to wait for the whole problem to be sorted out. Dad didn't do anything, and if he did it was all an accident so they should just let it all go and let him and Dad live their life.

But on the other hand what is the use of running away? Where will he go and what will he do? That's the question he's debating. From how long the car ride was he is guessing that it would take a few hours to even get home on foot and let's not mention how he doesn't even know the way back.

As well as that, he doesn't know where Dad is. From what the nurse said he wasn't registered in the hospital, and he doubts that Dad is just chilling at home. So, he's probably in a police station in New Boston which is about a two hour car drive from wherever the fuck he is right now.

The only logical thing he could come up with is to wait. Which is something he really doesn't want to do. It seemed that the world was completely against him, there wasn't even a window in his room that he could slip out of when he wanted to.

Knock! Knock!
He lifted his head up to the sound, and after a few seconds Valerie came in. She seemed to put a sheet of paper onto the desk before coming over to the bed he was lying on.

"Lunch is ready." She announced, as he fell his head back down onto the bed. Now, him a few hours ago would've been stoked to eat something other than hospital food but because of this new revelation given to him an hour ago his appetite was nonexistent at this point. He also wasn't really comfortable with having a meal with a complete stranger that looked and acted just like Arlo.

"I'm not hungry." He said. Valerie sighed and crouched down in response.

"John, I know you're not feeling well but you need to eat." She said coldly almost like she was going to start scolding him. Now, he would've been up to arguing with her about this whole topic but right now he's kind of feeling drained. So he resorted to his second option, the silent treatment.

Silence filled the room and after a while Valerie seemed to sigh and put a hand on her face.

"Fine, I'll bring your food upstairs and leave it at your desk. Although next time you'll need to come down and eat with me. Ok?"

He nodded slightly to her compromise. Seeing this she left the room, probably going down to get his food.

Guess that worked.

Knocking came from the door after a few minutes, and just like last time Valerie came in. She was holding a steaming plate, and set it down on the table. Turning around back to the entrance of the door, she left not bothering to say anything.

He watched the steam coming from the plate slowly dissipate over time as he thought. Mostly about what he was going to do now. He was in a house with a complete stranger that looked like Arlo, can't go to school because he's suspended, and can't contact Dad because he doesn't have his phone. What was he supposed to do other than wait in this stupid room?
Rumbling came from his tummy, reminding him of the lunch standing on the table. Oh, he could probably eat that.

Getting up, he took a seat at the table. Looks like lunch was some type of creamy pasta or was it dinner? Eh, it doesn't matter.

Taking the metal fork next to the plate, he started eating. It looked like there was broccoli, mushroom, and tuna in it. Overall it tasted really good, maybe because the only thing he ate today was shitty plain porridge.

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