"Need something, princess?" She smirked at me, catching me staring at her.

"No." I whipped my head back to the closet and quickly chose an outfit. I decided on a white summer dress with a white bikini underneath and a pair of running shoes as Layla had mentioned a hike. 

As I tied my hair up in a high ponytail, I caught Layla's reflection staring at me. I smiled through the mirror. "Need something, honey?"

She smiled and came up to wrap her arms around my waist to pull me into her warm embrace. "Honey? Hm... I like it. However... you're wearing white, I should be calling you my wife, shouldn't I?"

Blood rushed to my cheeks at the idea of us getting married. I turned to bury my face in her shoulder. "Don't tease me!" I whined as she laughed, tightening her hold on me. 

"My apologies... wifey." She laughed again as I shook my head in hopes to shake the blush away. 

I pulled away to leave the room but she managed to slap my ass before I could leave her reach. I turned back to her to give her a pout as my blush was still visible on my face. Layla laughed as she followed me out of the bedroom. 

Before we even made it out of the villa she stopped me. "Here." She placed a sun hat on my head before grabbing a bottle of sunscreen nearby. She began applying it all over my exposed skin with intense concentration, muttering a bit to herself as she went around me. It was a bit funny to see her like that. 

Then she put on a backpack before handing me a bottle of water. "Stay hydrated, princess. It's a hot day." 

I smirked at her and nodded. "Anything else I need before stepping outside?"

Layla shook her head then stopped as she remembered something. She quickly disappeared into a nearby room before reappearing with a spray can of some sort. "Close your eyes." Once she sprayed my body, I realized it was bug spray. Nothing smelled as bad as bug spray, no wonder it kept them away. "Okay, now we're ready."

"What about you though?" I asked as she opened the front door. 

"I'm used to the island." She held the door for me as I stepped into the beautiful and already very warm morning. 

Insects from within the jungle chirped and buzzed as we approached the trail that was carved within the rainforest, but none bothered to come close because of the terrible bug spray. Layla kept holding my hand as we followed the path. I was awed by the scenery of lush leaves bigger than my arm, tropical flowers I'd only seen on the internet and exotic birds that blew at times. 

"Amazing..." I awed softly as I kept causing her to stop so I could inspect a new flower or something else incredible. I gasped when a bright blue butterfly fluttering by then noticed Layla's bright smile as she saw. "Did you see that?!"

"I did. It was beautiful." She said before we went on our way once more. 

Eventually the thick and dense greenery of the jungle opened to a lagoon where a large waterfall gushed to the water below. Even a subtle rainbow shone from the spray at the base of the waterfall. Birds tweeted and flew away at our arrival while I struggled to take the moment in. It was surreal, a dream...but I wasn't dreaming! 

I turned to Layla who was watching me. Her eyes sparkled brightly and a wide smile on her lips. "Layla... I don't know what to say! It's... so beautiful. I, I don't think beautiful is even a good enough word for it." 

Layla only smiled wider. "I'm very happy you like it. After all..." Her words trailed off as she turned away to look at the waterfall. "You're right, it is beautiful..."

She was acting a bit strange but a part of me didn't want to press her about it. It seemed that this place was something she really wanted to share with me and I felt so happy about it. Layla had improved my life but also my mental wellbeing. She had settled any unease within me and I knew that if anything else happened that it would be okay so long as she was nearby. And now with her promise that she will always be with me... I couldn't help but hold her to it. I could no longer imagine my life without her and perhaps that wasn't something to be proud of but I didn't care. 

EDITING My Sugar Momma {Lesbian Story}Where stories live. Discover now