Chapter Nine

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"I'm retiring."

"From the Council?" Fintan looked as surprised as he would have if a dinosaur had suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Audrey nodded. "Yes."

Fintan and Fallon stared at each other so long Audrey knew they were having a telepathic conversation. "Why?" Fallon asked finally.

"Too much stress. Besides, I want to be able to not feel strange about that secret we erased."

"The big secret we didn't put in a cache? I don't feel strange about it."

"Well, I do," Audrey said. "And not being on the Council any longer will help me ignore it, I think."

"Before you leave," Fallon said, "I have a proposition for the Council. The current Council," he clarified.

A proposition did not sound particularly promising. But Audrey nodded anyway.

"Due to the recent population growth, I feel the need to add a fourth Council member," Fallon announced.

Audrey and Fintan both frowned. "That would mean we'd be - or you would be - electing two Councillors at once," Audrey said.

"I know. But I think we need a fourth Councillor. We need more opinions to ensure we're making adequate decisions."

Audrey shrugged. "Do whatever you want. I'm still retiring."

"That's fine," Fallon said. He turned to Fintan. "And you?"

"I'm fine with it too. So long as we agree on who the two newest Councillors would be."

The week after nominations, two new Councillors gave their election speeches together.

Essa Chebota, a Psionipath with much experience in the nobility, gratefully accepted the position with much formality. On the other hand, a Mesmer named Celestene Ruewen was more informal, being conversational with the population.

Audrey was pleased with both of them. They would be good Councillors, and with more time they could be better than Audrey, or even Fintan and Fallon.

The future of the elves was looking bright. 

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Elysian: How She Was Taken Out of HistoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat