Chapter Eight

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"Let me get this straight," Vespera Foland said. "You want me to leap to a mysterious island and use my illusions to keep it hidden - but you won't tell me why or where I'm going."

"Yes," Fallon informed her unapologetically. "That is exactly what we want you to do."

Vespera stared at them for a second. Then she shrugged. "Okay."

As an Empath with lots of help from Flashers, Vespera had the most experience with illusions of anyone in the Lost Cities. She had helped Luzia Vacker keep their estates and cities hidden - and she was the only one who could help the Councillors with Elysian, but she could not know what she was hiding.

Audrey brought Vespera to Elysian. She didn't understand a lot of what Vespera did, but it looked like it involved tricks of light, mirrors, and shadows. It was impressive, considering that Vespera was neither a Flasher nor a Shade.

From her perch on a rock, Audrey couldn't see Elysian's unconscious body, and she hoped Vespera couldn't see it either. She would probably have many questions, which Audrey didn't want to answer.

Before bringing in Vespera, the Councillors had drugged Elysian with a sedative that would wear off in a few hours - long enough for them to close off any pathways to Elysian, get out, and erase any trace that it had ever existed.

Audrey only hoped that all their efforts would be enough.

"I'm done," Vespera announced.

"Good," Audrey said. She held out a cloth rag laced with a sedative. "Now take this."

Vespera took a step back, startled. "You're going to erase my memories of this? This will become a Forgotten Secret?"


"In whose cache?"

"Parts will be in everyone's." In truth, the information about Elysian would be put in no one's cache to ensure that no one found out about it. But Vespera didn't need to know that. Audrey held out the rag a tiny bit farther. "The Washers will be here soon."

Vespera rolled her eyes and took the rag. 

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Elysian: How She Was Taken Out of HistoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora