No More Reviews :(

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Hey guys. I'm sorry but no more reviews. It was kinda fun at first but now it's just boring and tedious and it's become a chore to have to write a review after every single episode! And now since my ship Bose and Chapa are on thin ice right now, well, techically, is almost hitting that iceberg, sinking, and drowning in shark infested waters, what's the point? :( Bose and Chapa will never be together. It's just a hopeless, silly wish. Disney was wrong. If you wish upon a star your wish WON'T come true! Because I've done that a few times and I haven't seen Bose and Chapa's lips on each other'! You know what I mean! Anyway! I do have some stuff for you though! I have a theory! You know how Bose has been talking about his birth dad in this episode and in that last episode? Well, I think his dad left. And you know what else? I think his dad is the "He" that is coming! Remember? The Cell dudes say "He is coming" "Truly, he is coming" and I'm sitting on the couch with a question mark above my head as I say "Who's "He?" I think "He" is Bose's birth dad! Oh man! Imagine that!


Bose's Birth Dad:"Son!"

And I've got a tongue twister for you guys! "Ricardo did some cardio before he went to the car show" 

Welp! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

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