Chapa And Bose's First Kiss!

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Hey guys! Here's how I want Bose and Chapa's first kiss to go!

Okay, so, they would all be in their supersuits. Bose would reveal he has feelings for Chapa and he talks to Miles about it. Unfortunately, however, Mika overhears and tells Chapa who confronts Bose about it. Bose than starts babbling about it and Chapa-to shut Bose up and show him she likes him too-grabs Bose by the cover top straps of his supersuit and kisses him. Much to everyone's shock and surprise. Schwoz, Ray, Mika, Miles's jaws are open in shock and surprise. Schwoz, Ray, Mika, Miles, and Bose's eyes are wide open in shock and surprise. Bose has his hands up in shock and surprise. Miles puts his fist over his mouth in shock and surprise. Chapa has her eyes closed and the camera shows Chapa's lips moving and kissing Bose's lips. The 'Ooooooh' track plays in the backround. After a while Chapa pulls away with a 'Smerp', Bose looks more dumbfounded, happy and stupid than usual. Bose is left into a stiff, rigid, frozen state of shock, unable to move, talk, comprehend his surroundings or even comprehend his own name.

Mika leans in close to Miles and whispers.

Mika:(Whispering)"How much longer do you think he'll(Bose)stay there for?"

Miles:"About two hours."

Mika:"You're on."

Miles:"Wait, I want to try something. Hey!(Points to Bose)What's your name?"

Bose:(Still dazed from the kiss; Droning on like Emmet did with the 'You' when he first saw Lucy in The Lego Movie. Bose is like Emmet when he first saw Lucy in The Lego Movie.)"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Ray laughs.

Ray:(Pointing to Bose)"Chapa broke Bose!"

Two Hours Later

Bose:(Touching his lips; Talking to Chapa)""


Bose:(Smiling and chuckling at Chapa's high-pitched 'Sorry')"It's cool."

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