thirty nine.

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"Cue the heart beating faster."


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Inside Nezu's office was All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Hawks and Aizawa, all looking to be waiting for us. They all looked at us as we walked into the meeting and sat down.

"Hello, Y/n. Now I know you and Bakugou are dating, but this is rather a private meeting and-"

"No, she has a right to know. Especially after what the media's been saying - plus it's not like she'd tell anyone," Bakugou defends me, ensuring that my spot in the meeting was secured.

Well, the only person I'd probably tell would be Michiko, honestly speaking.

But it also could depend on what it's about...

Aizawa rolled his eyes, but nevertheless continued. 

"There's been an abundance of attacks that have been happening near this area lately. Ever since the internships started, more villains have been emerging out of nowhere. That's why Bakugou couldn't turn down his internship with Best Jeanist, it was because all the students in the Hero Course needed to be prepared for these anticipated attacks."

Like okay... I'm scared for my safety but with my guard dog? Do I really have anything to fear...

"You might be wondering why am I telling you all of this."

I absolutely am.

"It's because we have suspicions to believe it's Reira who's causing this sudden outbreak to happen." 

My eyes widened. "Seriously? But why?"

"It's a bit suspicious as to how she came about. Sudden recommendation from an unknown underground hero school that doesn't exist as she claims it was, her extraordinary use of her quirk with no supposed training, and the sudden interest in becoming a hero? Those all rang the wrong bells when she showed up at my doorstep begging to get an internship," Best Jeanist replies.

"And her constant sneaking out in the night too. I could never seem to know why or where she would be going, because she said her family lived Musutafu. It just didn't make any sense," Bakugou continues, shaking his head in thought.

I'm still in disbelief, trying to put the pieces together. Even if I wanted to become a hero, I don't think I could. 

"So is that why you guys have been feeding into the lie that her and Bakugou are a thing to the media?" my eyebrows frown, and they all nod their heads sheepishly.

"For heroes, that was pretty villain-like," I muttered. I wasn't that mad because it was for a good cause, but what if Reira's actually innocent?

"What proof do you guys even have?"

All Might walks up to me and shows me a photo of her trying to get into Nezu's office. I just shook my head and laughed.

"First of all, this is UA. You guys were only able to get one photo? Second, what if she just wanted something? I shouldn't even be defending this girl because she flirted with my boyfriend publicly but really?"

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