Ruby: "Already!?"

The bowler hat-wearing man just look at the two before speaking.

Roman: "Okaaay..."

He looks back at his remaining men.

Roman: "Well, get them!"

Y/N: "Wait, me too?!"

The henchmen head out of the dust shop and dash towards both Ruby and Y/N. Ruby spins around on top her scythe and kicks the first approaching criminal in the face. She gets Crescent Rose out of the ground and fires it off to hit another one with the end part of her weapon, sending him flying. Y/N takes out Crimson and Violet and proceed to use them as blunt weapons as he proceeds to hit a henchman in the back of his head. Two other henchmen goes to attack him only for Y/N to kick in the gut and hitting another in the chin. Ruby fire her scythe and brings the side down on one attacker and dodges the other's gunfire with her rifle's speed, getting close enough to knock him into the air and follow him upwards so she can beat him away to the Roman's feet.

Ruby: "Nice move there. And weapons."

With a smirk Y/N looks at Ruby.

Y/N: "Thanks."

The ginger-haired man looks at his knockout men.

Roman: "You were worth every cent. Truly, you were."

He then turns to both Y/N and Ruby as he drops his cigar and crushing it with his cane as they hear approaching police sirens in the distance. He continues speaking.

Roman: "Well, Red and... uhm... you, I guess? I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..."

He goes to raise his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid.

Roman: "I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

He unleashes a blast from his cane. Both Ruby and Y/N prepare to dodge it only for the blast to explode mid-air.

Roman: "What the hell?"

He then notices a blonde woman with glasses with her riding crop at hand, standing behind Ruby and Y/N. They turn to look at the woman as she walks past them to confront Roman.

Ruby: "Wow! A huntress!"

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Ruby: "Wow! A huntress!"

Y/N: "A huntress?"

Roman: ("Shit. A huntress.")

He slowly backs away as the blonde woman speaks, adjusting her glasses a bit.

Blonde woman: "Roman Torchwick. You're under arrest."

Roman remembers the red dust he has.

Roman: "I'm not so sure about that."

In quick session, Roman takes out the red dust, throwing it at them.

RWBY: Grimm Slayer (Vol.1) (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now