Chapter 26

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I knew it!
I flipping knew it.

Genevieve has purposely been ignoring my calls.

I knew that her opening up would come with a price. But it's annoying how I can't do anything about it just yet because I'm not in the same country as her. I had to fly to Beijing for an emergency meeting and now this.

Should I send one of my brothers to her? But they'd go to her then what?

Oh boo bear. What do you think you're doing? Pushing me away?

Let me send her a bouquet of flowers and some food, and perhaps some chocolate as well. I'm just about to send it when I realize that the time difference is a problem.

I will just schedule this for seven in the morning for her. I have a meeting in ten minutes and even if I had an excusable reason to get out of it, I doubt I'd be able to.

Oh, the joys of being in charge of a company.

Let me sort this out and get it out of the way so I can give Genevieve my full attention.



Genevieve has not been responding to anything. It's like she's never at her apartment. Work is a no-go zone as well because she no longer works there. Patrick confirmed that last week.

It's been like seventeen days since I last saw her and I don't know if it's just my imagination but I'm starting to feel like my lungs aren't doing their job properly anymore.

Maybe I should tell Sarah to set up a doctor's appointment for me. I make a mental note of that.

“Sean.” And almost as if my thoughts summoned her, no, not Genevieve, Sarah, she's in my office.

“Yeah.” I look up at her.

“Oh, you look miserable.” She walks closer to my desk.

“My looks dint pay your salary, Sarah. What's up?” I pretend to be looking at something on my laptop just to avoid eye contact with her.

“HR has apparently been calling you but you haven't answered.” she states.

HR called? When?

I keep the concentrated look on my face as a facade because I haven't even heard the telephone ring since I arrived at the office in the morning.

“I've been busy. What's their emergency?”

“Well. They said that apparently there was no advertising or open post for a corporate lawyer but they got an application for the position by a certain someone that claimed you offered them the job.” My heart has sped up and I look at Sarah expectantly as she speaks.

“Who was it?” I ask her, hopefully not eagerly, after she doesn't continue speaking.

Could it be Genevieve? If it is her then I don't know whether I want to lock her up so she doesn't do that's she's been doing again or if I should just cage her in my arms.

“A Genevieve Johnson they said.” Sarah tries to play cool but I can see right through her cucumber act.

“Tell them to hire her and to let her know that she starts tomorrow at seven-thirty on the dot.”

“Isn't seven a bit too early.” Sarah frowns.

“Midnight would work just fine for me but I think that might be illegal for office work hours so I settled on seven because I know that you can make it in at that time.”

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