8. @bookmonster

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"Hello, Mr

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"Hello, Mr. White! I am outside your building." I called Shwet as soon as I reached his apartment.

"Coming down in five."

It took me twenty minutes to reach his place. He was living nearby. All we had to do was ask each other's address, we could have met earlier!

Calm down. Universe wants it this way.

I checked my watch once again. It was almost four-thirty. We can't get late. It was still dark. If the sun begins to rise, we might miss the view.


This man was supposed to be a stranger, but his voice was his identity for me. The voice I have been listening to for the past few weeks, the voice I kinda admired.

I turned around to look at him. He was wearing a white shirt with blue jeans. Instead of gelling his hair, he had combed them nicely, and a few of the strands fell over his forehead giving it a perfect messy look. But his eyes were the most charismatic thing on his face. Those hazel-brown eyes hid more secrets and pain than anybody could anticipate. He was thinner than appeared over the video calls. He really is a fine-looking man.

"Wow, you don't look like a monster at all!" He teased. There was no awkwardness, but I am glad he broke whatever ice was left.

"And you took your name so seriously that you couldn't help but wear it! Self-obsession at its peak."

He rolled his eyes, making me chuckle.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"Where are we going?" He combed his hair with his fingers.

"Somewhere near."

"Good, because it's still dark!" He scrunched physically.

"Oh, poor Mr. White! Afraid of the dark!"

We walked by the side road. The milk men and newspaper guys had started their duties already.

"What can I do? I ain't a monster." He scoffed.

Shwet changed sides with me as we were walking. He took the side of the road and kept me safe on his side. That gesture sort of gave me butterflies.

"Here!" I showed him a narrow road.

"You sure? This is safe?" He looked so concerned.

"Safest. Trust me. Let's go." We walked by the jogger's park located at Vesu. Next to that park, there was a small road, more of short cut which had farms on both sides of the road. It may appear scary at first, but it's the most amazing place to ever exist.

We reached in the middle. I checked the time again on my wristwatch. The sun was all set to rise. We were right on time.


The sun was slowly rising. All the colours of dawn were spread across the whole field colouring it in its own.

"Oh. My. God."

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