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"Bro, chill

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"Bro, chill. It would be good."

With that, my flatmate and unfortunately, my younger brother disconnected the call


My foot.

I and my cousin were working on this startup to strengthen the supply chain of, well, everything. Fabrics, threads, raw materials, manpower, machinery, every freaking thing required in textiles. We were working on becoming the connecting dot between good suppliers and genuine buyers.

Though unfortunately, one of the suppliers refused to keep up with this deadline that was due tomorrow in Hazira. He whined about the weather, complaining about the heat and dry air that ruined his cotton.

I had no idea how I would get through this. Failing to deliver would break the faith we had built in these six months. And it was all about the mouth business. You get your name defamed once, you remain so forever.

I was literally losing it, till I found this good quality supplier in Vapi. I hope things work out decently.

And my stupid, stupid brother aka my partner in my nameless venture. I don't understand the source of this epitome of optimism. I remember this quote that he has stuck on the wall in his room:

'Life is as kind as you let it be.'

I asked him about it, and that fucker lectured me about how I was responsible for making both of our lives so difficult.

So according to this human who wrote those damned words, one cannot be ambitious? I mean, if you want to achieve something you want, you would have to face anything and everything that comes your way. And all of it certainly isn't kind.

Well, he can go to hell. I wish I could say the same for my brother. I swear he's the only reader I am going to bear. Rest all can stay miles away from me.

That's how the previous year was since we moved to Surat. One of the reliefs was the AC buses the government had for transportation. The other one was getting that load off. I did try with music, workouts and stuff like that, but nothing is better than having sex. The physical self-help wasn't as satisfying.

Finding women wasn't the difficult part. Even getting what I wanted from them wasn't hard, but breaking up was something I dreaded.

Most of them were among those who wanted something serious, who could go on to marry the first guy they dated. They always made a scene. Even though I would make sure not to be as affectionate or responsive, many of them were way too dramatic.

Honestly, I thought I would somehow land up in something genuine. But I lost my parents to COVID, then everything was on me. I just couldn't bring myself to fetch that time and energy for someone.

Moreover, getting married was useless. As long as you have someone to clean the house, cook the food and get regular action, you don't need to share half your stuff and see the same face every morning.

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