3. @bookmonster

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"Your Highness, your aunt called," Nishtha said while working on her laptop

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"Your Highness, your aunt called," Nishtha said while working on her laptop.

"That's not how you greet someone in the morning!" I scoffed while half yawning. Nishtha is an early bird and I am a night owl. Only God knows how we make real good friends.

"Who says I was greeting?" She snapped without looking up.

"What did she say?" I asked, whipping coffee powder, sugar, and hot water to prepare Dalgona coffee.

"She didn't leave a message. She asked me to inform you to call her."

"Then you forgot to inform me, hence I didn't call." I shrugged casually.

"Kshati!" For the first time, she looked up and gave me an unbelievable look.

"Nishtha!" I said in a tone sweeter than honey.

"Pour me some of that coffee, please," She said, shaking her head. I nodded in affirmation.

"Krish here?" I gave her the mug.

She shook her head in a no.

"What are your plans for the day?" Nishtha asked, putting her laptop aside.

"Um, final editing work, MBA assignments, and might go on a date. The guy seems unsure though!" I sipped my coffee.

What a perfect bitter coffee!

Nishtha added some honey and biscuit crumbs to it, failing the whole purpose of Dalgona. This beverage is supposed to taste bitter.

"Serious date date? Or your casual sex date?" She rolled her eyes.

"We have been living together for three years, have you ever seen me going on a serious date? Why do you always ask this question when I mention the word 'date'? I am not going to fall in love!"

"Kshati, It's been six years–"

"And I am getting late for work! I will let you know about my dinner plans." I finished the coffee in a go.

"NO!" she almost screamed. "Don't leave. I won't talk about it. You tell me about this guy you are going out with!" She pulled the chair for me to sit. But I didn't, I was seriously getting late for work.

"I don't know, we didn't talk as much! Like we talked last week, then casual hi-hellos throughout the week, and then we thought of meeting, but nothing decided yet. I don't think he likes to talk much. But who cares, he has clearly mentioned he wants hookups and that's why I swiped green to him."

Nishtha scrunched her nose after I finished talking.

"You're judging me!" I scoffed at her

"And you don't give a flying fuck about that!" She rolled her eyes.

"Of course not!" I winked at her. "Now can I go? I'm really getting late!"

"Just keep me in the loop with your plans. If you are bringing him home, I mean here, at this place, I will—"

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