Chapter 5

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~lord Elrond ~

The company stood for a few moments more. I stepped back, there were a few words I had to speak with my father and with Thorin. The three of us met in a small corner where the rest would not be able to hear. " I do not like this plan the two of you have conceived!" spoke Thorin in a whisper. " You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield." My fathers voice was calm and clear. "The only Ill will to be found in this valley is that in which you bring yourself.''I tucked a strand of my hair behind my pointed ear as those words left my lips.

"Do the two of you think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us." Thorin's voice was angry. "Of course they will!" My father said and paused for me to finish his sentence. "But we have questions that need to be answered." I smirked. Thorin sighed and looked down. " If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact." My father paused. " And respect (A/N: R-E-S-P-E-C-T FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANS TO ME!!!!!) and NO small degree of charm ." I added. "Witch is why you will leave the talking to me and Carnen." My father finished.

The company continued walking. My father gave me a few looks of worry. Kili and I silently walked alongside each other. It's now no longer awkward, however comfortable. Our shoulders and arms from time to time brushed against each other. He seemed happy, "You're a good shot." He said I shrugged as our arms brushed again, "You're better, though"

Kili grinned. "I've had a lot of practice before"We talked quietly till the path opened to a wonderful sight. My breath stuck in my throat, my feet refusing to move from which they had been planted

Bilbo had stopped in his tracks. He was looking around in complete awe. I came to a halt next to Kili and said, "I've always loved it here." Hesmiled at me, "When I was younger, I would spend much of my childhood here. It's like a second home. I did love it in the shire but here is one of the only places I don't feel like such an outcast. Now, here we are."

We all gathered in front of the steps, from which a dark haired elf was depending from, "Mithrandir"

"Ah", said the wizard, "Lindir"

"Stay sharp", I heard Thorin whisper to Dwalin.

Lindir smiled at me. I knew those kind eyes anywhere. "Ha na- man na see cin iar mellon." I said to him, when I was a child Lindir was one of the many elves that educated me. I owe much of what I know to him. "Cin sui eithel, hén." He smiled.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond", Gandalf said back.

"My Lord Elrond is not here", Lindir told us in English.

"Not here?", asked Gandalf, "Where is he?"

The identical horns that had been heard earlier sounded behind us in the back of us. We came to peer at a collection of Elves on horses closer to us. Thorin yelled in Dwarvish, and they pulled out their weapons, "Close ranks", he said

They shaped a circle, shoving Bilbo inner because the lives galloped up, using around us. "Gandalf", said the Lord Elrond , sitting on top of his high horse much larger than the dwarves.
"Lord Elrond", Gandalf said in a fond voice. I smiled. "Nin mellon!!" I said as Ada walked to help the lord off his horse.

Lord Elrond spoke to my father in a more complex form of elvish. I Know it but not well, I could tell there was something my father did not want me to know.

The elven Lord climbed down from his horse and embraced my father, then me. He then began to speak in English, "Strange of orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near."

"That may have been us", Gandalf replied.

Thorin stepped forward, his expression was completely unreadable.

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