Chapter 1

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~ A good morning ~

"Ada are you sure a hobbit is best for this journey?" I asked my father as we walked to a hobbits  home. See I had just found out about a quest we were to embark upon. Thorin Oakenshield.   That name held a great meaning.

He would be the dwarf king of the Misty Mountain if it were not for that dam dragon. Dwarfs have such a great  love for gold. They are expert craftsmen. But most (the few I have met) are greedy and have such a strong lust for gold. I have only never met with Thorin so I cannot judge him. But many years ago the dragon Smaug, the terrible, He took over the mountain and forced the dwarves to flee. The dwarf kingdom crumbled, and Dale fell to a once great kingdom of men.

"Yes my dear I believe that you will find that this hobbit is quite  different from most." Said Ada as we walked through Bag end. I loved it here. It was one of my favorite places. I spent most of my childhood summers, springs and early falls here. The rest of fall, and winter would be spent in some nearby city of men.  Or at least that is where I would stay. Ada would be off somewhere studying Middle earth's mythology along with other great wizards.

My long brown hair blew in the light breeze in the air. "A beautiful day is it not?" I asked. "Yes indeed a perfect day to seek help." Replied Ada. Together we walked up to a hobbit hole and there sat a hobbit. The hobbit sat there smoking a pipe.(the shire has the best weed anywhere. Don't ask how I know that )

"Good morning?" questioned Mr Baggiens. " It is a very fine morning indeed." I spoke softly. "What do you mean good morning?  Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it to be or not?  Perhaps you mean that you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning ? Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?" interrogated Gandalf. " Well I suppose all of them at once."  Responded Bilbo.

" Please pardon my father, master Halfling, he means not to confuse you."  I said punching my fathers arm. "And who might you be?" Asked the hobbit puzzled. " I sir am Lady Carnen Stormcrow and am at your service." My head lowered. " Are you of elvish royalty? You seem to be different from the other kinds of elf - lady's  in my books." Replied Bilbo. "Ah yes I am quite different from the great women  in your texts." I smiled.

After a brief moment of silence passed, Gandalf began to blurt "We are looking for someone to share in an adventure." Gandalf paused. " An adventure? Oh I don't think anyone west of Bree would care much for an adventures." He snapped. Worry came to my fathers face. " I think that I should have lived to be given a good morning by Belladonna Tooks son!  As if we were selling buttons at the door!" Grumbled Gandalf as Blibo walked to his home.

"Mr. Baggins please consider, it will be worth more than you think!" I shouted as Bilbo slammed his door shut. "Well it seems that you have scared off our berglar, now what are we to do?" I asked. " Do not fret, child our hope is not lost." Said Gandalf  marking Bilbo's door. " Meet me here tonight just as planned  and for the love of the Vallar change out of those ranger garments. "  Grumbled Gandalf. " Im shall n- shiner than i silmarils hain self's !" And with that the two of us  parted ways.

Much time passed. So much night had crept into the Shire. I could hear the rumble of Dwarves in Bilbo's home. My new outfit consisted of a black long sleeve top that had purple light details. I had on black trousers and my boots. I was never interested in dressing like normal elfs. I never have felt like one. Every time I am in their divine presence I feel as if I am not a part of them. They will never accept me and that is something I learned many many years ago.

After much time of waiting I knocked on Bilbo's door. " OH thank Eur! Someone who has a lick of sense!" Shouted Bilbo. " Please tell me that there is a good reason for all of this?" He asked. " I believe there is nothing I can do from outside." My voice was kind. " Yes, Yes!" Studered the halfling. It was like a pub in that dining room. There were 13 dwarves sitting and drinking.

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