Love is Blind (Rowena MacLeod x Shifter!Reader) NSFW

Start from the beginning

You paused and looked down at her. While she was wise and helpful, the term 'hunters' implied a conventional morality. Perhaps she truly belonged incarcerated. But those in power and armed had a habit of catching those who didn't deserve it in the middle. You were proof of that, used to being shot at.

"I like to travel myself. You'll be hard pressed to find an accent like mind around here. I can show you everything about this world and how to blend in."

You looked down at your decidedly foreign clothing appraisingly.

Footsteps sounded from slightly above and aside.

"Please," the redhead added at the last second.

"Even if I break your chains, I have no idea how to escape. My bed's been made. You really want them mad at your attempt too?" you asked incredulously. The steps neared.

"I can get us out," the woman claimed desperately.

You stared at her before impulsively snapping the wrist of her chains. She stood lightning fast and moved behind you. Oh, were you her human shield? You should've known better than-

She took your shoulders and mumbled some foreigner than you words just as the door bust open.

Neither of you were around long enough to see the two men turned to the corner at the bottom of the stairs to the dungeon. The broader man immediately cursed, kicking the wall while the taller man held the chains to examine them. "Dammit, Rowena," the older brother scolded himself for trusting the powerful trickster. She usually kept her word, but it seemed she had a more promising prize.

You grabbed onto whatever you could as you pieced back together in a new location. You groaned and lowered yourself to sit in the nearest chair.

For some reason, even the witch felt more taxed. She could move about the hotel room easily enough, but some part of her return to crystal spell was requiring more strength. "It gets easier, magic," Rowena informed you later, bending down to scoop up a dark crystal with a resin-like fluid shimmering along the exterior. She stroke through the many rooms in their immediate vicinity, gathering this and that, then packed it all into a bag and luggage. She found you in the kitchenette by the time she was done, gold accessories removed, and inspecting the common - not to you - machines. Your hands hovered over the toaster, shuddering the occasion. Rowena's eyes went to the lever pushed all the way down and smirked. Generating heat wasn't actually the purpose of a toaster. She couldn't help her smile when you jumped, listening to the springs bring the bread slots up. "They're'll be the same machines in the next hotel. But we've to go now." The Winchesters knew where she stayed and even the room number, when she was in town, and therefore not staying at the bunker.

You were easily herded downstairs and into the car she'd called. She'd have to get you dressed properly, Rowena decided as the doorman made no effort to hide his ogling. Why shouldn't he? You didn't notice, too taken with this new world. Why shouldn't he? Because the witch felt a stab of jealousy which prophesied nothing food for him. She left him a gift in his pocket and slid into the car with you. You watched everything with learning eyes, watching how she opened the door, from both sides, how the car rode and was driven, differently than the transportation modes in your home. "What's your name?" you asked, staring out the window at the world passing you by.

She told you and got yours in return. It was precious, just like you, and Rowena was hooked. If you noticed the possessive hand on your thigh, you had no protests. Rowena smiled smugly and watched as you were safely sequestered to a new state.


Rowena lived in style everywhere she went. And she brought some style to you as well. She got to dress you like a little doll, her little doll, and she kept you safe, even if it meant slipping hex bags (you never noticed) in your pockets to ensure that. By spying on you or repelling any wishing you harm or wishing for you, she was acting in your own best interest. Then she took it back when you got back, before you noticed.

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