Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"How are you laughing right now?" Jada exclaims pulling away.

"We were so worried." Renee whispers.

I pull away and manage to get into the house closing the door behind me. I kick off my shoes and drop my bag onto the floor after retrieving my phone. I ignore Jada and Renee who are looking at me questioningly waiting for answers that I do not have.

"Guys I'm okay." I reassure them dropping my keys in the bowl by the door.

"There she is, our survivor." Ben cheers as I walk into the kitchen.

He buries me in a giant hug and picks me up lifting my feet off the ground.

"Put me down, you giant, I'm fine." I assure him.

"I can see that." He replies setting me down gently.

I turn to face Tom who's looking at me skeptically as if he's afraid I'm an illusion or a figment of his imagination.

"No hug for your small sister." I tease with a smile.

"Stop smiling! Do you know how worried I was when I received the call of the riot? I've been awake all night making calls and making threats left and right." Tom rambles.

I've known Tom the longest of all four so I understand why he was the most worried.

"I'm sorry I made you worry but as you can see I'm okay. I was doing my job Tommy, I was just in the right place at the wrong time." I explain.

"That's what they said about Darius when they called me to tell me about his death." Tom grits out.

I bridge the gap between us and hug him wrapping my hands around his waist.

"I'm okay Tommy." I whisper.

He hesitates for a moment before wrapping his hands around me hugging me back tightly.

"I already lost one Johnson in that cursed place, promise me you're never going hack there." He requests.

"I promise." I assure him because Santiago and I already discussed that and we decided it's what's best after what happened yesterday.

"Good, now sit and tell us what happened. Don't leave a detail out." Tom demands.

"Can a girl get some food in her first? I haven't eaten since yesterday morning." I reply recalling the two bites I had for lunch before I excused myself to go meet Santiago in the bathroom.

I didn't have time to think about food when all hell was breaking loose around us but now I'm famished.

"Chef Ben is on the case, please sit. We haven't eaten either." Ben replies pulling me a stool.

We all assemble around the kitchen island with everyone giving me strange looks. I try my best to ignore them as I pour myself a glass of juice and drain it in one go. I pour myself a second one that I sip slowly now that my thirst has been quenched.

"Breakfast is served." Ben announces placing a plate infront of me.

Scrambled eggs, toast, sausages and bacon and pancakes. It's a lot of food but I am starving.

"Thank you Ben." I smile at him and dig in immediately.

Three minutes later, I'm stuffing my face with eggs when I realize that the kitchen is extremely quiet. I look up to find all my friends looking at me like I'm an alien.

"What?" I mumble my mouth filled with food.

"How are you acting so normal? Hannah you should be dead or at least traumatized after what you went through." Renee replies.

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