Broken Hearted - Johnny POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 429

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I was a jerk-" I said to myself, walking down the street with my hands in my pocket. "No, no- jerk isn't enough. I was... an asshole. Yeah. I was an asshole and I wasn't myself. I didn't mean to hurt you, I wasn't thinking straight. And I love you, and it will never happen again- No, that's so cliché. God, what am I doing?" 

Over the past few weeks, I've been keeping to myself, sleeping in the lot, and reflecting on a lot of shit that I did. I loved Y/N, and I was so sorry for ever doing something like that to her and the rest of the gang. I was going to apologize to them too, but Y/N was my top priority. 

One of the kids playing in the field dropped me some information that she was at Buck's, so as I hiked down the trail, I continued practicing my apology speech.

"I love you? You are my everything? I can't live without you? God, no, you sound desperate, man!" I muttered to myself. 

I could hear the loud music from inside. I had taken the route that led me to the back of Buck's, so I'd have to use the back entrance. Unfortunately, it was locked, so I went around the side to get to the front. That's when I heard something. 

"Shut up, Winston! I am not a wimp. If anybody's a wimp, it's you." I would recognize that voice anywhere. Y/N. I rushed up to the window and watched as Dally pulled a blanket off of his head.

"Awe, doll, you know I won't let anything hurt ya, right?" 

Dally smiled, and I recognized that grin. He was in love. With Y/N. And I could only watch as Y/N pulled him in and kissed him. I could feel my lip quiver slowly and a tear slipped out of my eye. I buried my head in my hands and ran back towards the lot at full speed. 

I'd really lost her. And now, I couldn't get her back. It was all my fault. And out of all people, anyone, she had to be with Dallas Winston? The person that would break her heart the second he found someone better? Yeah, him. Dallas Winston, my best friend and idol. I wiped the tear off of my cheek and collapsed under the tree, clenching her necklace in my hand. Forever Gold? What a fucking lie. I threw the necklace as far as I could, as my heart screamed inside my chest. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now