All Alone - Johnny's POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 736

The fall from the window to the floor had to be the longest moment. Time seemed to freeze. Y/N's head sticking out from the window- the roof collapsing. I landed on my back when Dally grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me away while cussing me out. The church went down. Right on Y/N. I'll never forget those screams. 

"No!" shouted, getting up and running towards the church. Dally yanked me back onto the floor. 

"Stay down you little shit," Dally ordered, slapping the back of my head and running to the church. I fell onto the grass, sobbing. I was too tired... so tired....

"Y/N," I said, softly, and the lights seemed to go out. 

I quickly sat up. I was in a hospital. My arm hurt like hell. So did my back. I checked my arm, and sure enough, it was burnt. I felt sick looking it. The skin was black and peeling - then, it all came flooding back. 

"Hey, take it easy kid," someone said. It was a nurse.

"Where's Y/N? And Pony and Dally-" I started. The nurse shushed me. 

"They're all here." 

"Let me see them!" I demanded, starting to get out of bed. The nurse set me back down. 

"You can't right now."

"Why not? I gotta!" I was frantic, and I didn't even realize that tears were streaming down my face. "Are they alright?" 

The nurse bit her lip and unreassuringly said yes. I didn't believe her for a goddamn minute. I grabbed her. "Are they alright?" I asked again, screaming. When she didn't reply, I basically threw her across the room and got out of bed on my own terms. I had no idea where anything was, so I just ran door to door checking every room. Eventually, I found Dally. I burst into the room and Dally quickly sat up. He looked fine. But boy, was he angry.

"If you try anything like that again, I will beat the living tar outta you, you little shit" he screamed, grabbing my by the collar and shaking me like a ragdoll. Then, he did something  would have never expected. He hugged me. "I'm so glad your okay, Johnnycake." 

"How- how's Y/N," I asked him, hoping that he knew something. He let go of me and anxiously put his arms behind his head and licked his lips nervously. 


The nurse rushed in with two doctors. And Ponyboy and Darry and Soda. I immediately rushed up to them. I had never been so happy to see them. I grabbed them all in a tight hug.

"Woah, hey there, Johnnycake!" Soda said, messing up my hair. "Don't you look different?" 

"Hey, have you heard how Y/N is?" I asked. 

They all shifted and fidgeted anxiously. Was nobody going to tell me? 

"Please!" I begged. Eventually it was the doctor who came forwards. 

When he dropped the news, I thought I might as well have died. Y/N was in a coma. When the church crashed down, a large piece of the roof had hit her in the head. They didn't know if she was going to make it or not. I felt hot tears streaming down my face, and I immediately wiped them off. Y/N was a fighter, she would never give up. She had to come back. I don't know what I'd do without her. I needed her. 

"Can I see her?" I asked, through sobs. The doctors were reluctant, but eventually let the lot of us into Y/N's room and left us alone. The doctor also gave me a little notebook covered in ash that apparently was recovered and belonged to Y/N. 

"Hey, little sis," Soda said, kneeling down at her bedside and stroking her forehead. "You're a hero." Soda was tearing up, and so was Darry and Pony. I was already a bawling baby. 

"You're gonna be okay, right?" I asked her, grabbing her hand. "Come on, man, please-" 

I stayed by Y/N's side for who knows how long. Pony and Soda and Darry left a long time ago, and I just stayed on the floor, grabbing Y/N's hand. I stayed there until the doctors had me dragged out of the hospital. After that, I ran to the lot and slept in the rain. For the first time, I felt alone. I was all alone. Even as the rain poured down on me, I couldn't find the strength to move. I didn't care how much my name was printed in the paper for being a hero. I just wanted Y/N. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz