The Golden Trio

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Warnings: Very slight language

Word Count: 691

Johnny and I slipped back into the house and everyone stopped to look at us for a second before going back to their rambunctious activities. I followed Johnny up to Ponyboy. 

"Hey, Pony," he said.

"Hey, Johnny," Pony replied. 

"So, this is Y/N," Johnny continued. "She's new around here. Wanna, like, show her around or something?"

"Sure," Ponyboy replied. Cool, looks like I'm getting a tour. Maybe next time I'll be able to find my way back to my house. 

Sodapop strut up to us and wrapped his arm around Johnny's neck and messed up his hair. "So, looks like you found a friend, eh, kid?" I think he was talking to me. Was he? I don't know. He seems to call everyone kid. "You should be getting back home. Thanks for keeping us company though." 

"No, thank you," I said. 

"Not a problem, kid. Take care." 

The gang turned to me and all shouted 'bye' at the same time. Dally winked. Um, okay-. Johnny and Pony looked at Dally, annoyed. 

The first place they showed me was the Dingo, a drive-in theater. I don't think any of us were old enough to drive a car, so we had to pay a quarter to get it. They were showing 'Psycho'. I had seen it before, but I was willing to watch it again. Pony seemed to be annoyed that we were here watching with him. I get it, it's kind of awkward. Poor Johnny looked like he was about to scream. He kept jumping and flinching. He spilled a little of his Coke on me during a jumpscare to which he profusely apologized afterwards. 

After that, we went to a diner where we ordered more cokes and Johnny and Pony started blowing straws at the waitress. I had to tell them off because it was rude. Pony was about to light a cigarette too, which I promptly flicked out of his mouth.

"Hey, what the hell, man?" he said, pulling out another one.

"Smoking is bad for you." 

"I know, I don't care," he replied lighting it up. "Johnny, wan't a cancer stick?"

"Yeah," he said, taking one. Boy, of course they didn't listen to me. But they did listen to the manager when he came out and kicked them out of the restaurant because the waitress told and they weren't supposed to be smoking inside. 

The rest of the day, we wandered around town doing whatever we felt like. Mostly talking and walking. They were both surprisingly easy to talk to, especially considering I'm usually really shy. Tulsa was sure interesting, but it wasn't California. I wish I was back in California. With Mom. I hate being stuck here with Margaret and Dad. I'm pretty sure they hate being stuck with me too. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end.

"It's getting late, I should be getting back," I said, sadly. "It was really nice hanging out with you guys though."

"Wait, let us walk you home," said Ponyboy, coming up to my side. "Where do you live?" 

"Oh, I'm at the top of the hill on the west side," I replied.

"You're a-" I heard Ponyboy begin before Johnny gave him a sharp elbow to the gut. "I mean, yeah, alright." 

The walk to my house was in awkward silence. I really didn't know what they had against me being a 'Soc'. Being in a group didn't change who I was. Plus, there was no way I was ever associating with Bob Sheldon and his goons. I could tell Johnny was tensing up now that we were on the west side.

"You really don't have to if you are uncomfortable," I pressed, but Johnny insisted he would stay. We finally got to my house and Johnny was sweating and shaking. I didn't want to make him stay any longer than he had to, so I quickly said goodbye and dismissed them. Johnny and Pony walked off hastily, making sure to hide out in the darker areas. 

Through the window, I could see that Dad and Margaret were back, and it looked like Dad was on his fifth bottle of beer. Oh boy, this was going to be rough. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now