A Warm Reunion - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 517

"Gee, I didn't know this was a pity party," I said, from the shadows.

They immediately all looked up and I slowly emerged. "Hope this wasn't all for me." Everyone looked shocked. Well, what else did I expect? Then, Johnny ran up to me and hugged me tight, crying. 

"I thought you were dead," he said, through sobs, burying his head in the nook of my shoulder. I rubbed his back, and shushed him gently. 

"You gave up on me so easily?" I asked, jokingly. Soon, the entire gang was on me. I couldn't take on the weight of seven boys, so I went down like a tree. "Lay off!" I shouted, laughing. Soda picked me up and spun me around. 

"Golly, kid! You scared us to death!" he said, setting me down. 

"You ever pull another stunt like that and I'll beat the tar outta you," Darry said, hugging me. 

"I know you will," I said, casually. 

Dally shoved Darry off like Darry was a bunny. He hugged me tight, cussing me out the entire time with every awful word under the sun. "That's what you get for helping people you little punk," he said, squeezing me tight. "Next time you gotta use your head, like me." 

Two-Bit tackled us both and messed up my hair. "Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty," he said, grinning. "Wait, so what happened anyways?" 

"I woke up just after you left," I said, remembering. 


"I love you too!" 

My hands scaled the wall faster and faster. I could feel my heart beating like a war drum. I had never climbed so fast in my life. This wasn't for me anymore. This was for the gang. For Johnny. I could see the top of the wall. 

"Pull it," I heard someone say. 

"Wait!" I shouted. In a desperate frenzy, I pushed off from the ledge, jumping high. Higher. Higher. My hand latched onto the top of the cliff. 

My eyes opened to bright light. Hospital light. 

"Mother fucker, she's awake!" 


"Hey, kid, I like you, just so ya know," Steve blurted. "You're a good kid. Into cars like Soda, too, eh? How'd you like to join us at the DX?" 

"I'd love to, but I gotta get down to the station. You know, for-"

"That won't be necessary," came a voice. It was B/N. He was wearing madras, the sign attire for Socs. Dally flicked out Two-Bit's switch, Two-Bit grabbed his beer bottle, Steve picked up a fork, and Soda grabbed a lighter. 

"Hey!" I shouted, stepping in front of him. "That's my brother!" 

Everyone immediately dropped their weapons. "I bailed her out until trial." 

"Really?" I said, excitedly. 

"Really." I rushed into B/N's arms. 

"Thank you!" I squealed.

"So, would you like to stay for a cup of coffee?" Darry asked B/N. 

"I'd love that," B/N said. 

B/N and the gang got along really well. Everyone agreed that Elvis was tuff and the Beatles were rank, and that most Socs were stuck-up and irritating. I didn't stick around long. The conversation got boring, and there was something I wanted to do. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now