The Gang

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Warnings: Language

Word Count: 616 

The first thing I notice is that they are literally all caked in denim. All of them have blue jeans and this one guy is wearing a denim vest too. He kind of looked like a cowboy but with really wet hair and a tattoo. He immediately runs up to Sodapop and they started arm wrestling on the table. I excuse myself quickly and ran behind a door to get a better look. The next one I saw had a Mickey Mouse shirt on. He looks a lot too old for that, but it was kind of cool. I'd never seen anyone that tough looking be interested in a cartoon like Mickey. The next one that walked in had a more confident strut than the others. Boy, did he look mean, but he was also very good looking at the same time. The last one that came in was noticeably smaller than the rest. I couldn't get a good look at him really, but I also saw that he was wearing all denim as well. A jean jacket and jeans. His hands were buried in his pockets and his head was down and he slowly slinked into the room as if he had done something wrong. Something about him caught  my interest. 

I watch as they all settled down, stuffing their faces with cake and the Mickey Mouse one took a swing of beer. Ponyboy ran up to that small one and whispers something in his ear. Then he turned and looked at me. His eyes were dark and big. And then he had this scar on his cheek, a real big gash that looked like some sharp metal or rock cut him pretty badly. Before I was forced to engage in conversation, I slipped into the bedroom and shut the door. For some reason, my heart was pounding again. Maybe it was because I didn't like all the people. What other reason could it be? 

Of course, Sodapop came into the bedroom to drag me out to the boys. He sat me down in his chair and blurted really loudly, "Hey guys, we picked this kid up outside. She got jumped real awful last night." Everyone turned to look at me, and I could swear the mean looking one winked at me. Oh no, he's walking up to me. 

"Hey doll, name's Dallas.  Dallas Winston. Or Dally. Or Baby, you take your pick." he gently carressed my hand, to which I quickly pulled away. Ew. Gross. 

"Hey, hey, take it easy, Dally." Sodapop said, showing him back to his seat as he licked his lips. "She's still a little shook"

"Yeah, no shit," the denim vested one said. 

"That's Steve. My best bud." Sodapop said, pointing to the denim vested one. "You've met Dally," he continued, eyeing him. "That one watching TV, that's Keith, but he goes by Two-Bit. And that one," he said, pointing to the small one. "That's Johnny." 

My eyes drifted over to him and we locked eyes before I quickly turned away. 

"What's your name?" 

"I'm Y/N" I said, softly. Even I couldn't hear me.


"Y/N" I said a little louder.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N," Sodapop said, shaking my hand and smiling. He was always smiling. 

Soon, Darry got everyone settled down to eat. Johnny ended up next to me, and I couldn't help but keep looking at his scar. It looked an awful lot like mine. I ran my fingers over my cheek again, and noticed Johnny staring at my cheek. I caught him looking and he hastily glanced away and brushed his bangs into his face, covering his scar. I was feeling really awkward and decided to step outside for a minute. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now