Chapter 12 - Don't Refuse Food

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After Michael had explained how he took her home, he went back to their plans about Sarah's parents. "So, I have some stuff I need to do tonight, but I can come tomorrow. I think I've got just enough dust for two people."

"Not three?" Sarah asked nervously.

Michael paused and glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. "No. Besides, you wanted to remember, right? Or, did you change your mind?"

"I still do."

Michael nodded. "That's good, 'cause I don't know if Huntress's minions would believe you if you claimed you didn't know what they were talking about, anyway."

"Right. Plus, I want to know what I am, if not human." These were two good reasons, but she knew very well that she mainly wanted to remember the spirit world and the past couple days because of Michael. "Okay! Tomorrow night it is; I'll tell them."

"I figured." He shrugged. "And good. Try not to ramble too much tonight, so the dust doesn't have a lot of your mess to fix."

Sarah glowered at the side of his jaw. Michael seemed not to notice it and glanced away. Before she could stop herself, she caught Michael's wrist. "Thank you, Michael."

He froze, looked down at his wrist in her hand, then looked up at her. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Uh, for what?"

"For helping me with my parents. I know it'd probably be more comfortable for you to just..." Sarah thought for a second. "Well, ignore it."

"Oh." Michael shrugged and pulled his arm away from her. "I don't really need to be thanked for that. I'm not doing it just to help you."

"Really? Then, why—"

"I can't risk you telling them the truth, and when they don't believe you, I can't have you parading a bunch of stupid humans through the spirit queen's kingdom. Which will piss her off, plus endanger everyone including you and your family."

Sarah crossed her arms. "Well, still. Thanks." This mumble of gratitude was definitely sharper than the first one. She paused. "And hey, my parents and I aren't stupid."

Michael grinned, biting his lip like he was holding something back.

Sarah looked at him. "What?"

"I mean... they had you, didn't they?" His hazel eyes twinkled at her.

She could've gotten knocked over by a feather. "I—" She shook her head. "I cannot believe you just said that." She tried to sound indignant, but it came out as more of a high-strung, teasing squeak.

Michael laughed, a sound she wasn't used to but loved. "I've said similar things before about other kids. Shouldn't be too much of a shock." He cleared his throat. "I was only half serious about you though."

"Gee, thanks."

"Wow, so much gratitude coming from you today."

"Don't count on it continuing."

Michael grinned, but it faded as fast as it arrived. "I'll come by around lunch so you can tell me what time they want me to come for dinner."

"Or, we could just exchange phone numbers?"

"Uh..." Michael considered this for a second. "Sure, why not." He fished out his phone and handed it to her. Sarah handed him hers.

Sarah was not used to flip phones. She opened it carefully, like it was a fragile fossil in need of considerate care to maintain. It took forever to type, but she was determined to finish writing it out without asking Michael for help. After about the third mistake, she was ready to admit defeat and give it back. She looked up at him, debating whether or not to ask for help. He stood there, watching her patiently. He held her phone but had turned it off and wasn't looking through it like most people did if she took too long.

Dimokre Chronicles Book 1: Crossed PathsWhere stories live. Discover now