Chapter 6 - Don't Chew

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"I think it would be best for him to tell you when he is ready. He told me in confidence, and though he tried to steal a fairy, I don't want to break his trust," the healing woman explained.

Curiosity had relentlessly festered inside Sarah, so hearing that, her shoulders dropped. She nodded though and chewed her lip, thinking. "Could I ask you something else? It's not about secrets."

The healing woman hesitated, but she shifted positions to sit more comfortably on the pond. "Alright."

"Do you think I'm in danger, being around Michael?"

"Yes." The healing woman didn't even hesitate. "Oh goodness, dear, it's just that the boy is often in the spirit world, and while he is doing this for a good reason, he still often puts himself in danger. Often quite recklessly. If your question is if I think Michael would harm you, then my answer is no."

"Can... Can I ask you another question?"

"I don't see why not." The woman smiled.

"Can you tell if—" Sarah sucked in a breath. "—if I'm human or not?"

The healing woman stared at her for a moment. After a while, she said slowly, "I can sense you have power that's deep inside you. I can tell it's trying to get out, show you what you could be. But I'm sorry, Sarah; I wasn't created to identify what a being is, just to heal them without prejudice."

Sarah considered this for a moment. She stared at her injured leg, thinking. Not being human scared her, but if she had power, maybe she could help Michael somehow. He only hurt her by accident, but he'd risked his life to find healing for her and get her home safely. She stared out into the forest, a bad feeling sinking in her gut.

"Are you alright?"

Sarah's eyes snapped back to the healing woman. "I'm sorry?"

"I asked if you were alright. You seem distracted."

"Sorry, Michael and I got separated, and I heard gunshots, so I'm worried he got hurt."

"Ah, I see. I'm sure he'll be alright, Sarah."

"You said you could sense anyone who needs your help; can you tell if Michael does?"

The healing woman stood, the pond and the fairies sparkling around her. "I think it's best you choose your fairy now."

Sarah frowned, but she decided it was best not to ask. Sarah doubted the woman would protect his secret if Michael was going to die. It might just be time for her to pick a fairy like she was told; maybe Michael's close and they'll need to leave soon. Sarah nodded at these thoughts and focused her attention on the fairies.

The fairies, who had been hovering in place as the healing woman and Sarah talked, had drooped and nodded off occasionally. When they felt Sarah looking at them, they beamed and showed off again, glowing brightly and demonstrating their talents. Most of the fairies—the boys and girls alike—flexed muscles or glowed using magic. Two juggled acorns together. One showed a portrait of Sarah, drawn with mud on a large maple leaf. A few were unable to do anything to show off.

Sarah took in the strange sight. She found it funny that when she woke up this morning, she thought her evening plans were studying biology, not watching a fairy talent show. Sarah grinned at the fairy who drew her and looked up at the woman. "You said it won't hurt them, right, even though I'll be eating them?"

"Swallowing won't hurt them." The woman reassured Sarah. Her yellow eyes glinted with humor. "Just don't chew, and they'll be fine."

"Okay, so I'll just choose one and swallow them," Sarah told herself as if that would make it easier for her. She scanned through the lines of fairies, cringing at the thought of a tiny almost-human with wings going down her throat. She wasn't too worried about habit taking over and starting to chew; it'd be hard to forget the fairy in her mouth with a glowing healing woman and her pond in front of Sarah.

Dimokre Chronicles Book 1: Crossed PathsWhere stories live. Discover now