Chapter 9 - The Game of Go Fish and The Dessert Stomach

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Michael looked up to see Rickon in the doorway of his hospital room.

"How're you feeling?"

"Fine," Michael said stiffly.

Rickon mouthed "OK then," clicking his tongue. "Right, well, Sarah's gonna be pretty high on medication for a while, but when she wakes up, ya'll are both free to leave."

Michael nodded. "Where's her backpack?"

Rickon pointed to where it was in the corner of his room.

"Okay." Michael looked at his phone. 3:23 a.m... He thought back about what Sarah had said about her family. She has parents. He sighed. She should get home. "Do you know when she'll wake up?"

Rickon shook his head. "Probably won't be until morning. That a problem?"

"Yeah. I need to get her home before then."

"She's unconscious."

"She has parents."

Rickon swallowed. "Fine. Give me a few minutes; I can take ya'll in my Jeep."

"No." Michael slid out of the hospital bed and put his hoodie on. It had a bullet hole, blood stains, and ripped-off sleeves, but it was better than nothing.

"Let me help."

Michael looked up at him, narrowing his eyes. He almost said 'no' again, but based on Rickon's facial expression, he seemed to have a retort ready. Michael jammed his wallet, keys, and phone back in his pockets. He slung her backpack on.

"You already have." Michael brushed past him. He didn't bother asking which room Sarah was in, as he was quite familiar with her scent already.

"You're a stubborn idiot; you know that, right?" Michael could hear Rickon call after him.

"Bye, Rickon."

I know that. He did, but it was better this way.

Michael slipped into Sarah's room. The nurses told him what Rickon had already said in three times as many words, and he told them thank you in their language. He walked over to Sarah, asleep on the bed.

"Hey." He poked her.

Sarah smiled slightly and took his finger, cuddling it close to her face. Her eyes were still deeply closed, and a soft snore slithered out her nose.

Michael stiffened, quickly yanking his hand away from her grasp. He sighed, sitting on the foot of the bed. Swallowing, he pulled out his phone and called a phone number.

"It is three in the morning, O'Laughin'."

Michael tensed, rolling his eyes at Dannny. "Glad to know I can count on you as a clock."

"You're welcome. So. You already desperate for my help?"

Michael turned his head to look over his shoulder at Sarah, passed out still with a faint smile on her face. He reminded himself again to not just leave her here. "Apparently. Do you know where Sarah lives?"

"Uh, yeah, she's lived in the same house since she was born. Everyone at school knows where she lives."

"Great." Michael stood up to glower at Sarah's face, urging her to wake up so he wouldn't have to deal with this phone call. "Can you text me her address?"

"Why do you wanna know?" Danny asked stiffly.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Because I want to throw eggs at her house. Why do you think? She's healed, but unconscious. Unless you want her missing persons report on the news, text me where she lives."

Dimokre Chronicles Book 1: Crossed PathsWhere stories live. Discover now