09. directionally challenged

Start from the beginning

Whatever. You didn't want to think about it too hard right now, otherwise your head would start hurting.

"Izuku? You and [Name] are home, right? I'm about to go grocery shopping."

Inko's voice called out to you from outside the room. You quickly perked up and rushed out into the hallway.

"I can do it!" you offered. "I need as much practice as possible to get used to this world. My hangout with Kaminari went well, so I'm confident I can find my way around."

"Are you sure?" Inko frowned. She clearly didn't look convinced. "I appreciate the gesture, but you don't need to do that. Besides, it's going to be a bit of a drag carrying all those bags around. Are you sure you'll even know what to buy?"

"If you give me a grocery list, I'll be fine! Most of the foods in this world are familiar to me. I want to help out however I can, since I owe you two so much. Oh, but... I understand if you don't trust me to do this. It was just a suggestion."

Inko stared at you for a few moments, then chuckled softly. "Well, alright. It's not that I don't trust you, I just wouldn't want anything to happen to you while you're out on your own. But I suppose the more practice, the better. I'll give you enough money for everything you need to buy, but if you start to get overwhelmed at any point, come right back home, okay? Don't push yourself too hard."

"Yay!" you beamed. "Thank you so much! I promise I won't let you down."

Izuku also looked a bit concerned, but your trip with Kaminari had to be worth something. You wanted to become independent as quickly as possible, so that you could lessen the Midoriya family's burden, if only a little. You were determined to become the most reliable errand-runner they'd ever seen.

You insisted that Inko only give you the grocery list, not instructions as to how to get to the grocery store. That was part of the trip, after all. You needed to figure it out on your own. Apparently, there was an app on your phone that helped you find your way around pretty much everywhere. It was called Oogle Maps, or something. Anyways, it was super handy, so it was definitely worth getting used to.

You diligently consulted Oogle Maps, and for a while, it seemed like you were making pretty good headway.

But then you started getting confused. You started getting really confused.

Before you knew it, you'd ended up in a completely unfamiliar area. You could've sworn the grocery trip didn't normally take Inko this long, which probably meant that you'd made a royal mess of things.

"Curse you, Oogle Maps!" you fumed. "I thought you were supposed to guide me perfectly! This app was made just to deceive people!"

If Oogle Maps was an actual person, they would've probably been laughing at you right about now.

Anyways, you were lost. You'd talked up a big game in front of Inko and Izuku only for things to turn out this way. It was a bit embarrassing, and you really didn't want to call them admitting how hopeless you were. No, you would sort out the issue all on your own. You couldn't just rely on them every minute of the day. It was time to put on your big girl shoes.

You squinted at the screen of your phone and tried to assess where you were. Naturally, since you were unfamiliar with the various street names, it didn't help much. You also still sucked at using your phone, so you didn't know how to give Oogle Maps a new command. All you knew was the name of the grocery store Inko frequented.

"I can't find it here," you sighed tiredly. "What does this do? Oh... mode of transport? I don't get it. How does that help me get to where I need to go?"

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