On a Mountain of Faith

Start from the beginning

"You're a good leader, Y/n. You got overwhelmed. You're still human, don't beat yourself up over it. That's why you have other higher-ups, right? To help you when you're down. That's why we're here. Use us. Please."

"Overwhelmed doesn't excuse me freezing up. If I acted faster, if I organized the attack, how many would be alive now? If you hadn't stepped up, none of us would be alive."

Jungkook shook her off with his good hand. "You're a clever woman, Y/n. You come up with plans fast, you're determined, you're strong. There's no one better fit for the leader position. You have great ideas. And... you were right."


"Jimin," he said, hanging his head. "When we were there, on the ship, I tried looking for you. I found you fighting someone twice my size. He pushed you off the ship. Before I could even move, Jimin was jumping in the water to save you. He didn't hesitate. He shot the man between the eyes and... jumped. Y/n, I don't know if you fully understand what happened, but you drowned. You were dead."

"I knew I passed out, but dead?" she asked, her eyes widening.

"Why do you think Jimin gave you CPR? He saved your life. He brought you back. That's why your ribs are bruised."

She rubbed over the bandages hiding beneath her tunic. "I didn't know that."

"He saved you before I so much as moved. I still don't trust him. I doubt I ever will, but I'll try. For all our sakes. Can't promise I'll be friendly to him, though."

"Jungkook," she said with a groan. "Please try harder. We're too deep in this shit. He's more than my lover. He's my best friend."

"I got replaced?"

"Not completely, just partially."

"I'm sitting here with gaping holes in my body and six fingers and you're still making fun of me?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes. Y/n grinned, and he laughed. "Glad to know my personality is rubbing off on you." Jungkook froze. "Ah shit."


"Speaking of rubbing, that was my jacking off hand. How am I gonna rub one out-"

"I wish they cut off your head instead."

They were interrupted by Jin stepping in with Jimin. The pair were laughing, Jimin's arm thrown around Jin's shoulders. Jin went after Jimin's hair only for Jimin to slam him against the wall. Jin retaliated by grabbing scissors from off the counter next to Jungkook's bed.

"Boys," Y/n said as Jin threatened to chop off Jimin's long locks. "Jin, as your commanding officer, stand down. Jin, also as your commanding officer, please do it to him while he's sleeping. I'll give you a spare key."

"Y/n!" Jimin yelped, her snickering. She glanced at Jungkook, but he shook his head and mouthed 'later'. Great. He was too much of a pussy to talk to Jimin now. Or ever. She doubted he'd ever grow a pair and actually do it.

"Alright, why are you two here?"

"Came to check on our favorite person," Jin said. Jungkook lit up, but Jin went to Y/n instead.

"Okay, fuck you," Jungkook said, flinging him off with his good hand.

Jimin smirked. "Does that even count? You only have-"

"Don't," Jungkook interrupted with a glare.

"Seriously, how are you holding up?" Jimin asked, sitting on the side of Jungkook's bed. The younger of the two seemed amazed by the proximity, but he managed to smile.

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