Chapter 18: The Pack

Start from the beginning

Every day he did something a little different, but today he didn't bother stretching—he'd heal anyway—and started with the hand weights Derek had loaned him. Whatever this unknown evil they were facing was, Theo would be ready for them. He'd become the strongest version of himself if it meant keeping Liam safe.

Theo was on his sixth set of pushups, his muscles just beginning to burn with warmth, when Isaac's door cracked open, and his blurry eyed roommate ran a hand through his hair.

"It's like 4 am," Isaac muttered. "What're you doing?"

Not bothering to stop, Theo said spoke between breaths, "What does it look like."

"More nightmares?" Isaac asked.

A few months ago, Theo might have denied them to Isaac. He might have waved it off and pretended like nothing was wrong. Now, he knew there was no point. Isaac was too damn nosey and he knew Theo too well.

Theo flipped over onto his back and started the next set of crunches.

"Are you surprised?"

"Not really," Isaac answered, "but I might have something that can help."

Only then did Theo pause. "Did you find something on the—"

"What? No. You and Mason have been co-opting most of the texts anyway. Just, come with me," Isaac said, extending a hand.

Theo accepted, letting Isaac haul him to his feet. He opened the cabinet above the fridge and pulled out a small box.

"Is that what I think it is?" Theo asked.

"What, big bad Theo's never seen a joint before?" Isaac asked, his nimble fingers working quickly to spread out the green leaves before reaching back into the box and pulling out a tiny bag of blue powder—the coyote wolfsbane—and sprinkling it on top. "We might not be able to get high or drunk, but if you mix a little wolfsbane into it, the fire kills it before it can hurt you, but it still does just enough damage to actually get you high."

Isaac rolled it expertly and lit it, inhaling deeply before passing it to Theo. He took it, but eyed it suspiciously. He'd been so young when the Dread Doctors had turned him into a chimera that he'd actually never had the chance to be high or drunk. He had no clue what it would feel like, but if it stood any chance at relaxing him, Theo was willing to give it a shot.

"You swear this isn't gonna kill me?" Theo asked.

Isaac rolled his eyes and moved to snatch it back, but Theo held the joint to his lips and inhaled deeply. His lungs burned and pain erupted throughout his chest. Coughs racked his body, and Isaac devolved into a fit of laughter.

"Asshole," Theo muttered when he could breathe again. "You could've warned me."

"Could've, but it was more fun this way," Isaac cackled. They passed the joint back and forth until it was gone. Theo didn't feel all that different. Isaac's jokes were suddenly a lot funnier, though, and when he pulled out a bag of flaming hot Cheetos, it was the best food he'd ever had.

Exhaustion settled across his shoulders, and his head swam when he stood. He tripped, nearly slamming headfirst into the coffee table.

Isaac swore. "You good?"

Theo managed a thumbs up and staggered toward the room he shared with Liam. Every bone in his body was suddenly half-liquid.

"Yup," he said, dragging out the sound and enjoying the way the word rolled around in his mouth. "I'm gonna sleep."

He barely managed to strip off his sweaty shirt and sweatpants before collapsing into bed.

Liam jolted at the movement, his eyes snapping open. "Where've you been?"

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