And then he was leaning towards your neck, his mouth soft with scratchy stubble against your sensitive skin.

        At first, he nuzzled you, rough hairs pleasant and tickle-y, before he followed it up with an open-mouthed kiss. He trailed up your neck to behind your ear, digging in his nose and inhaling slowly, taking you in.

        You moaned, shaking all over, hips jumping.

        He stayed there, lips brushing against you as he said huskily, "And then there's my absolute favourite. My cock."

        You whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut behind the blindfold. "Gods. I want them all."

        "Greedy," he laughed, chest rumbling. "Our glans are hidden all over the shaft, more of them than anywhere else on the body. Our seed also holds ten times the amount of scent than any other glans. It's the most effective way to mark our mate. . .Inside or out."

       "Fuck," your voice shook. He was right. This was overwhelming and intense. Your smalls were damp, the spot between your legs warm and tingly. "In. . .or out?"

        Did that mean what you think it did?

        Gods. It was so dirty. You picture him painting your body with pearly white seed. Rubbing it in for good measure. Just thinking about it left you feeling scandalised. . .in the best way.

        "Yes." He sounded amused by you. By your reaction. "You like that idea?"

        You thought of his sensitive sense of smell, of how your body's reaction should have been answer enough, but you realised he wanted to hear you say it.

        "I do, Nico." You swallowed thickly. "I really do."

        His lips trailed back onto your neck, over your collar bone and up the other side. He was marking you. Caressing you.

        "I do, too," he admitted lowly into your opposite ear. He nuzzled there, too.

        "So do it," you ordered, feeling almost drunk with it. "So they know I'm yours. Completely. You said it was the best do it."

        He paused. Considering. "Is that permission?"

        "Yes." You felt like crying, emotions running high and raw, and you wanted it so bad you felt hollow with it.

        "Well then-" a kiss to your ear. "-Maybe I will. . .or maybe I won't. You'll have to wait and see, won't you?" he smiled. You could hear it in his voice.

        He was going to be the death of you.

        You gritted your teeth with frustration, wishing he'd get to it already. Teasing was one thing. This had gone beyond that.

        "If I was to mark you that way-" his fingers walked slowly from your belly to your chest, the material of your tunic bunching with it. He stopped as he reached your chest wrappings. "-I'd have to undress you."

        "That's fine." Finally, you were getting somewhere.

        Reassured by your consent, he lifted the material the rest of the way. You raised your arms and helped him remove it before returning to your previous position.

        Taking his time, he started to unbind you, unwrapping you like a present. You felt the material loosening with every passing, shivering as he gently pulled the strips out from underneath your back before unlooping it around your front over and over until new flesh was exposed to the warm air.

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