12: He Kidnapped a Child?

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"Alternatively, you may tell me everything now, and we can get this done already."

"This is why I don't like you." Sir Romero reluctantly caved in and complied with the investigation squad leader. "It was because they lacked more strength than I thought. My magic was too strong for them to handle. That’s all."

"I see." There was no hesitation in Jaeke's response as he readily accepted it. He proceeded to write in his notepad, and Sir Romero saw the words jotted down, his brow twitched with discontentment, but he stayed silent. 

[Cast a powerful magic skill for his level and had no proper control. Lost the test subjects due to his irresponsible action.]

Sir Romero silently reasoned himself; he would get back at this person one day. 

Jaeke closed his notepad and took a glance at the small figure behind Sir Romero; he had just noticed an extra person at the scene and let out a surprised sound. "Oh, dear Azzy, since when was kidnapping children a hobby of yours?"

"Kidnapping children? What kind of nonsense are you spouting now?" Sir Romero's face darkened at the accusation suddenly thrown at him.

"Hm? Then how would you explain an unconscious, bleeding child behind you?" 

"What are you—?" It was then that he remembered that there was another person with him. Right, there was that weirdo. "Did you say bleeding?" 

Sir Romero turned around and spotted Eislyn leaning against the tree with a nosebleed. The blood had gone down to her chest, and although it was difficult to see on the black shirt, he was sure there was blood on it as well. The bleeding seemed to have stopped a while ago, as most of it had dried up.

Since when did she start bleeding?

"Damn it." He cursed and said to Jaeke, "Get a healer."

"We don't have a healer, though?" Jaeke dismissed the idea. Why would anyone have a healer in an investigation squad? There was no point.

Hearing this, Sir Romero changed his words, "Go get a bucket of water."

"We don't have—"

"Find one, then." Sir Romero sent Jaeke a chilling glare. Jaeke had no choice but to give in and do as he was told.

In the meantime, Sir Romero tried to wake Eislyn, who didn't budge at his attempts. He told her to wake up a couple of times, then shook her shoulders and finished off with a light slap on both cheeks. Seeing that she wouldn't wake up at all, he contemplated whether he should slap her harder or just leave her dead.

Fortunately for the oblivious Eislyn, before Sir Romero let his impulsive thoughts get to him, Jaeke arrived. Obviously, he didn't bring a bucket with him since it wasn't possible to find one on time. Instead, he got an investigation squad member with him.

"This is Morin, our lovely water mage investigator~" Jaeke introduced the member with an intentionally cute tone, but all that came out of his voice only made it sound foul to the others.

However, the water mage wasn't affected by it, as if he had long adjusted to it, and normally greeted, "Greetings to the Association's Top Ranker, Sir Romero. My name is Morin Kinkel. Although my abilities may be lacking, I hope I can be of help to you."

Sir Romero nodded, acknowledging him. "At least you have good manners, unlike your leader."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Hey, hey!" Jaeke disagreed and wanted to voice out his complaints but got ignored by not only his dear Azzy but also his own subordinate.

Morin looked at the unconscious girl covered in blood but didn't raise any questions. He activated his magic and followed Sir Romero's order; a big blob of water was created above his hands and moved towards the girl. It stopped directly on top of the girl's head, and a second later, the entire blob of water dropped. The moment it made contact with the girl, it exploded and drenched her whole body.

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