00: The Past of the Beginning

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Two entirely separated dimensions would forever be unperturbed by each other, yet a thin, flimsy thread of fate was connecting them. A thread of fate that would spark a significant influence and change the destiny of all in ways no one could have envisioned.

Such an unavoidable wave had been undertaken the moment a certain girl encountered the first half of the said fate— all it took was a second person to complete the whole with the other half.

In one of the universes, inside the royal palace, a private healer shook his head at the expressionless king and revealed a defeated look. The room became gloomier at the action.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid it is hopeless. Even I, as one of the most skilled healers, can't find a way to treat her. I have never seen this type of condition before, and I don't think anyone has, either."

"So it is truly hopeless. That gifted child of mine is doomed to die... What a ridiculous joke." The king sneered at the outcome. He had always ensured that nothing would stand in his way and succeeded, so this time, it felt like a slap in his face. Moreover, it had to be a child of his too. He gave the healer a meaningful glance. "It is best for Sir Milkiens to keep this information to yourself."

The healer nodded in understanding. "But of course, Your Majesty. However, I must inform you that—"

Several soft knocks interrupted the healer, and both he and the king shifted their gazes towards the door.

"Come in."

After a short moment, the door slowly opened, exposing a small figure poking her head out from behind.

"Hi, Papa."

The previous expression of the king had disappeared and was replaced with a warm smile. "Look who it is if it isn't my lovely daughter!"

"Greetings to Her Highness." The healer bowed respectfully.

The little girl looked at him and bowed back before running towards her father and hugging him. The king picked her up and carried her in his arms.

"What did Papa say about running?"

Seeing his frown, the little girl stuck her tongue and repeated what was told to her before. "My dear daughter, you can't run. It's very bad for you. If you do, you will make my heart go boom boom pow, ugh!" Her little hands clutched her clothes where her heart lay, like it was in pain. She imitated her father with her loveable voice and didn't hesitate to make up and add the last sentence, receiving a sigh from him.

"That's right. I don't want you to do it again, do you understand?"

Although she pouted, she still listened to him and promised. "Yes, I won't do it again, Papa."

"What did you come here? Is there something wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

She shook her head at the concerned questions thrown at her and denied, "No, I just missed Papa."

"Are you certain?"


"Is that so? Then, I will put you to bed since it's late." After patting her head, the king looked at the healer and left for his daughter's bedroom.

Now, it was only the healer in the room.

"'Boom boom pow', huh. What a cute child," he muttered to himself.

It was truly a heartbreak for a child like the princess to bear such a misfortune...

A complete loss not only to the royal family but also to the world.

The healer silently sat down, waiting for the king to return. His heavy eyes fell on the test result papers on the table.

That child...might not survive for long.

The king tucked his child in and poked her nose. "Sweet dreams, my sugar plum."

The little girl looked at her father and lowered her head, but before letting him feel something was happening with her, she quickly adjusted herself and gave him her sweetest smile. "Good night, Papa. You are the best."

"I know I am. Now sleep and have breakfast after you wake up."


The little girl closed her eyes, but once she heard the door shut quietly, she slowly opened her eyes, no longer smiling. She turned to the wide window and looked at the bright moon. The bedroom filled with family affection seemed to have already ceased, only to be replaced with a lonesome ambience.

"Papa, I don't think I can have breakfast with you. Sorry, I'm a bad child."

Despite being so young, not even ten years old, she knew her body the best; she couldn't be saved. Her father had been looking for a solution for so long, and many people could not treat her illness. Every day, she could sense her body gradually withering away, and eventually, she wouldn't have the ability to move and stay conscious.

She was apologetic to her father, who was doing his best to find a cure and the people helping. But it was inevitable; she was going to die, and that had already been decided since her birth.

Everyone said she was gifted, with her magic being one of the rarest. If she could aid her father with her magic, she would be able to lessen his work significantly and improve the family bond—especially the bond between her parents.

But she didn't have a chance.

Her heart hurt, but still, her time until now was not in vain but full of memories, and it was more than enough for her. She was drained; she only wanted to sleep and never wake up.

"Bye-bye, Papa and Mama," she whispered her last words as she felt herself growing colder and sleepier.

It was her time—

—so she had thought.

As if God had graced her with a blessing, she opened her eyes and managed to glimpse something outside the window.

The next day, the royal palace was in a frenzied state because the king's only child was nowhere to be found. 


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