03: The Feeling of Betrayal

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At a specific dark location full of ominous energy, the thing that stood out the most was the tall tower in the centre amidst the outlandish rocks. Dark clouds covered the nightmarish bloody sky. The only light source came from the bright moon and the mysterious red glow from the tower, illuminating the surroundings. Streaks of dense red magic energy were leaking outside from the inside in a flowy manner and dissipating into the sky.

"Here's the dragon's blood." The boy casually placed a couple of vials on the nearest desk as he looked around, seemingly searching for something.

His careless action agitated the other person in the room. It was a man in a black robe; he had his hood over and wore a mask that appeared like a red demon face, covering his entire face.

"Hey, be careful with those! They're precious!" he shouted anxiously, running up to the desk to gently move the vials to another spot.

Once the black-robed man was done, he turned around and stared at the boy, waiting for him to say something, but the boy didn't.

The man eventually reached out his hand with his palm facing up and beckoned at the boy.

"What? I don't have anything else."

"What do you mean you don't have anything else? The dragon body! Where is it?"

The boy looked away and was quiet for a second before answering flatly. "Ate it."

"Ate... Ate it?! You ate a whole dragon?! What is wrong with you!" the man yelled at the boy, losing his temper. He could have used the dragon to experiment and further his research, but this goddamned brat had to bloody eat it, and he had to eat the whole thing—or perhaps he didn't? Maybe he wasn't cruel enough and left some part for this poor one?

A glimmer of hope was in his eyes underneath the mask; he quickly asked, "It can't be that you ate the entire thing, right? Any part of the dragon is fine. Just hand it over."

This time, the boy looked away in the other direction. "There's nothing left."

Nothing left. Nothing...left. Nothi—

"Oh, my bloody devil!" the man screamed exasperatedly, grabbing his hair through the hood. Panting heavily, he looked at the boy intensely to express his anger and injustice. "Eat, eat the bloody dragon, but you didn't have to eat all of it!"

"No need to be dramatic. I'll save a part next time."

"Dramatic? And, next time, when? Do you know how rare dragons are? I—I—I cannot deal with this. I just cannot."

When the masked man thought it was over, the boy opened his mouth again. "Ah. The dragon mentioned something about a contract. Thought you should know about it."

Already upset, the other party gave an annoyed response. "And? What about it? What kind of contract?"

"I don't know. Its voice was so loud I just killed it to end it. Gave me a headache."

The man snapped once again. "You...! Bastard...! Why did they have to send you out of all people?! Even if you're the...ugh!! What do you want me to do with such little information? You might as well not bring it up!"

The unbothered boy watched the man go hectic and endlessly complain until he fell silent and suddenly pointed a shaky finger towards the door.

The man calmly said, "Get out."


"...out. Get the bloody hell out of here! I don't want to see your face for the rest of the year! Hand over the report before you leave!"

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