04: Out of Fantasy

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[You idiot! I told you to run, leave us and save yourself. Why won't you listen?!]

[I will never run away and leave behind my friends! Hey, you devil, I will never forgive you for hurting my loved ones!]

[Foolish hero. You can't even stand. What can a pathetic weakling like you do?]

[I have my friends with me, and I will protect them even if I have to fight until death!]

[You make me laugh...]


[Huh—you had this much power left?!]


The explosions of lights from the TV screen constantly lit up the room, and various voices, including the person outside the screen, filled the noise. A sob was sounding out, along with laughter and cheers.

"This is the power of friendship!!!"

In front of the TV sat a girl excitedly on the couch watching a TV action show where the protagonist defeated the main antagonist with the help of his comrades.

"Such a beautiful friendship, this is how friends should be... Ahhh, this is so great. I can't wait for the next episode!"

She whipped a tissue out of the tissue box and wiped her tears with satisfaction. The characters had gone through so much together, and finally, they achieved their goal and took down their enemy, the final boss. The way they fought alongside and always had each other's backs, with their trust never broken, was admirable and fantastic to watch.

This was the type of show Eislyn loved to watch; no matter how much she had grown, it would always be her favourite type. It wasn't only limited to TV shows but also books and games. Anything that had true friendship was promising. She didn't know when exactly, but she somehow became fond of it and never got tired.

At the same time, it made her envy the friendships and feel lonely, knowing that it would never happen in real life. This kind of concept wasn't realistic, and it wasn't possible to experience it herself. Hence, she opted for fiction, where anything could happen.

While Eislyn was fangirling over the TV show she was watching, she was unaware of the abnormal storm outside. It wasn't until a bolt of lightning struck down from the sky that she paused and looked out from the window.

"That's a big thunderstorm." She gulped at the view. It was dark outside, but because of the upcoming flashes of lightning, she could catch a glimpse of the tornado near her home. "And that's a big tornado, alright."

Realising what was happening, she quickly picked up the remote to put on the weather channel, but before she reached the channel, the TV shut itself and couldn't be turned on again.

Eislyn ignored the TV and went straight to the basement, taking her phone with her. The basement was a space for putting unused things away, so there were helpful things like blankets, mattresses, packs of bottled water and canned food. Placing a mattress on the floor, she lay down and covered herself with a thick blanket. She checked her phone for any news about the weather. But to her luck, the phone was dead. She must have forgotten to charge it because she got too hooked on the TV show. Without a working TV or phone to check the weather news, she could only wait and see.

"How could I not have noticed this earlier?" Eislyn was confused but admitted the next second that she might've been too focused on the TV. "Whew. Can't be helped, then."

Who wouldn't get distracted by watching something great?

"Though, hopefully, everything will calm down soon...." She wanted to continue to watch her show as soon as possible.

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