" I was into  some other important thing.. I will finish them later.. What about the work.?" he asked

"of course I did it.. Unlike someone." he shrugged

" yeah yeah.. You go back to the mansion.." he shooed him off as he started working.

"this old man is getting childish.. Haah.. I am tired.."

he was about to go to his mansion but got surprised to see athanasia standing there talking to cabel and others.

Lucas told his assistants to stay in the mansion as it's uselessly big for a single person..

Lucas. P. O. V.

" sia.. " I called and she turned back and smiled bright

" then.. we will get going athy.. Bye " cabel and others said as they went inside..

" what's are you doing here.? "

" lucas.. Are you done with your work..? "she asked smiling..

" huh.. I did.. " I mumbled. It's the first time she came to my mansion.

" first.. Let's go inside.. " I said dragging her inside to my room.

" lucas.. Look at this.. she said opening a jewel box showing a beautiful pendant with a brightly shining stone same as her eyes colour.. It's looks so pretty even if it's  not to the level of her eyes.


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


"is this your soul stone.?!!" I asked and she nodded a yes smiling bright

"today.. I learned how to make this from master.. I failed for almost twenty five times but I finally did it..!!! How is it..?!!" she asked with curious eyes..

Is this why that old man didn't finished his works.?

"why did you strain yourself..? You just now started using your  mana.. You shouldn't strain like this.. Are you OK..? Do you feel dizzy..?" I asked and she pouted

Pfft .. You don't know how cute you look sia.

" alright.. It looks good.. So pretty" I said and she smiled bright.. My heart thudded loudly.. She looks so happy

" you look so happy that you made it.. You are amazing.. It's not easy to make a soul stone when you are a beginner, you are a genius aren't you..? "

I said patting her head and she smiled as she took it from that box and took a step forward and put it on my neck..

Bathump.. Bathump... My heart fluttered from our  proximity.. But Wait.. She..

"sia..why are you putting this on me..?!!".

I asked and she took a step back  and smiled.. My heart calmed  down a bit..

" because I made this for you.." she said and smiled..

Then it started beating loud again.. I felt weird inside..

"huh.. For me..?!" I asked and she nodded a yes

" you gave me yours right..? Then I will give you mine" she said and smiled..

So she found what's that ring is huh..?! And she freaking learned and made one for me..?!!

I feels so happy inside..

"thanks.." I said and she smiled..

" the design also looks good.. I thought it's weird for you to wear this.. So it's for me huh..?!!" I said and she giggled..

" master said I made it too big for a ring so I decided to make a pendant" she said looking around

"ohh. This is your room. Huh..?! This place looks cool but not like your tower" she said looking around.

"hmm.. Do you wanna look around.. It's your first time Here right.?" I said and she nodded a yes.

Then we roamed around the hall and she asked if we can go out for dinner cause  she is bored.. I am tired but I can't say no to that puppy eyes..

" lucas.. Are you tired..? I am sorry I didn't noticed that before.. Let's go back" she said and I flicked her forehead

" let's go dummy.." I said as she followed me massaging her forehead 

We went to the restaurant which she usually like and  had dinner. When we came out she stared at the fountain in daze as she Sat there staring at it with a calm  face

I came back with cotton candy and she looked so cute as she eat the cotton candy like a baby

"thanks lucas" she said as she hugged my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder..

"the sky is so clear today.."

she mumbled as  we stared at it for a while and  as she slowly fell  asleep.. She must have exhausted her energy making soul stone.. I teleported us to her room and lily looked up unbothered..

She got so used to me coming into her room unannounced.

"oh you guys are back..." she said as she went out closing the door..

I put her on the bed and went back to my room.. When I came back after shower.. I am smiling as I saw my reflection in the mirror..

This colour is really the same as her eyes..

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