Chapter 23

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claude was in his office signing important documents , he sensed a strong wave of mana just when lucas appeared from thin air.

" don't you have legs ? " he asked still eyes glued to his papers

"My apologies your majesty , " he said nonchalantly and Claude finally looked up at him. Of course 'pissed '

" i heard the news from Athanasia, " he said and Lucas's cocky smirk was gone, he stared at claude confused at his statement.

" it seems she really likes you so i had no choice but to accept your relationship"

he said even though he looks normal outside , his stare at him showed how much he hate this conversation, the other party is smiling like an idiot not giving a shit about claude 's reaction.

" is that brat ok?!! he never smiled before " he mumbled to felix and he giggled

" people in love change claude, you were also like this too when you fall in love with diana, and he always smiles at athy , well only to her , pfft.. teenage  days are really awesome right?!" felix said in nostalgic tone, claude was silent listening to felix.

" Thank you , your majesty, " he said with a smile ,

" it feels weird to see you smile like an idiot , come and sit here i have something to tell you" he said and the three of them moved to the meeting room.

" i am going to announce you two as a couple officially " claude said .

" you mean their engagement ?!!" felix asked and he nodded a yes. lucas smiled again ,boy is so happy that his foot weren't still in the place

"pfft haha you must be happy lucas!!" felix said with a bright smile patting his back.

"but claude, why are you in a hurry ?!!" felix asked

" i can't stand those annoying bugs keep asking about her marriage  and i also have another plan in mind,  lucas "

he turned towards him. lucas sat straight .

" yes your majesty, wait, i can call you uncle right?" he asked in teasing tone

" no lucas you should call him father or father in law that would be appropriate" felix said and claude sighed like he is  done with them 

" call me whatever you want , but , promise me one thing ,it's a must  if you want my daughter " he said and lucas become silent

" you should first tell me the condition" he said in serious tone

" you must help me make athanasia the crown princess " he said and there is a dead silence

" what ?!!" he asked confused

" After she cured me , i started focusing on external affairs , so i am sure Alpheus is planning on taking the throne using jennet and ijekeil , i would never allow that, even when i was under the control of black magic , i never  thought jennete was  competent to rule the country , that's why i kept delaying the crown princess ceremony , now, i would definitely won't allow that to happen " he said

lucas gave it a thought and smiled

" so you already knew huh ..?!" he mumbled with a smirk

" Yeah, i knew that she doesn't want to become the queen , she wants to run away from this palace , she doesn't even want to be a princess , i know very well that i am the reason she become like this " he said and lucas saw sadness , guilt and regret in his eyes . he smiled a little

" father in law , don't worry , i will definitely help you convince her, actually i also don't want her to leave , no one other than her is deserving to be the queen , we have to make her understand that " he said and claude smiled a little.

Iterum  (lucathy Fanfiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora