Chapter 2

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Athy's P. O. V..

I was having fun until now.. He is standing there.. My so called father .. Staring at with eyes full of hatred.. No athy... It's ok.. He is always like this.. Some People won't change... Just ignore him...

His cold gaze while I was executed flashed  before my eyes... Yeah you hated me to the end.. I am Sick and tired of trying.. I tried all sort of things.. Worked hard to study.. To dance... to learn etiquette.. You never bothered to even look at me.

You shouldn't feel sad athy..lets find a way to save lily and felix  first... And then escape from this  Palace... When I was trying hard to forget those awful memories I felt someone standing behind me and turned back...

I blinked few times to make sure I am not hallucinating..a  tall guy with black hair and red eyes is standing before staring at me with a blank face..

If  I said he is handsome.. It's an understatement.. He is not only handsome.. There is something about him which make him  more attractive...but who is he..?

" who are you Mr..?" I asked and he  smirked..

" me..?  someone  interested in you.. "  he said with a smirk

"I see.. I am not interested in you.. Bye then.."

I said and turned back..  My body  turned back  itself and got  pulled towards him.. What is this..?!!

Magic..?! A magician.?!!   He leaned closer and stared at me straight in my eyes ...

"hmm.. As I thought... It's you.." 

he mumbled..staring straight at my eyes... His eyes are so beautiful.. His long eyelashes and that beauty mark under his eye he is so pretty to be a guy..

" what..? Are you crazy..? Leave me .."

I said trying to move  my body and he I finally did ...he is handsome but crazy.. Looking at his dress he must be some Nobel guy but I don't remember seeing him before.. I turned back and walked away from him... He stood there staring at me with that annoying smirk...

Lucas. P. O. V.

She is more beautiful looking close. No wonder that  jerk was head over heels for her.. I will admit.. she is the most beautiful girl I have  ever seen

Her eyes..  hold such a pure mana.. how come her body doesn't show it out..? Other than me and my master no one can tell she have that much mana

I went back to  the palace and her father is also handsome.. No one would believe that he have a big daughter... His mana is a mess.. I can clearly saw something hiding his full  mana capacity ..if it's black magic.. That's a big headache.. Treating the emperor of this nation.. Haah..

" greetings your majesty" I said and he stared at me with a bored face.. Feelings mutual you young looking Oldman

" you want to make this brat your substitute..?" he asked and my master said yes.

"  why..? You doubt him..?" my old man asked in a cocky tone..

" nope.. We can clearly see that crazy amount of mana coming out of him..." he said

" so.. You want to work here..? You don't seem to be interested. "he asked me..

" well.. I am not interested in working... But I have to... "I shrugged and my master rolled his eyes. That blonde old man stared at me and smirked.

" you are  interesting .. "he mumbled

" Thank you..? "I said in doubtful tone.. I can't understand whether he is being sincere or playful..i can't believe there is a face which is more expressionless than mine... I think I am better now..

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