Chapter 41: Telling Them

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 Brian pov

today me and Michelle are tell Brian and Maclyn. Michelle isn't happy about it but i don't give a fuck anymore what her and Mike did to me was hurtful enough and even Sarahi is still hurt by it. Brian the third and Maclyn was set down in front of us.  "what is it" Brian asked

"kids i love you but" i said and looked away, these past two days i've been looking for something to say to them but i've came up with nothing.

"i'm no your real mother" Michelle just came out and said it and i'm happy that she did.

"what" Maclyn said i could see the tears in her eyes

"but i'm your real father" i said and pulled her into a tight hug. Brian just look a little lost

"so, that mean me and Kaya can date" he said "but wait so who's our real mom" he asked

"well she was really young when she had you but i'm gonna try and find her ok" i said rubbing Maclyn's back.

"i better go pack my things" Michelle said getting up.

"the divorce paper should be to you in a week" i said

"yeah" she said and walked up stair.

"i'm going over to Aunt Cierras" Maclyn said and stood up

"do you want me to take you" i asked

"no i need to walk" she said and walked to the door.

"i'm going up to my room" Brian said and walked up to his room. i walked up to mine room.

Brian the third pov

i run up to my room and text Kaya

Me: babe i really need to talk to you

Kaya: what's wrong baby

Me: Michelle's not my mom

Kaya: what!!!!!

Me: dad said my real mom was young and he's gonna try and find her

Kaya: is that good baby

Me:i guess

Kaya:you want me to come over?

Me: no i'm gonna come over.

i put my phone down and walk to dad's room

Maclyn pov

i can't believe this. they lied to me my whole life. i mean sure they have a good point but why lie.i just put in my earbuds and start walking to the cemetery, i'm going to the only one who i could really trust and i miss him so much. then I'm going to aunt C she'll help me too

Brian pov

Maclyn went on a walk and Brian went to Matt's, and Michelle is pack her shit. i set on the bed to watch. she put some in a suitcase and looked up at me.

"Brian you don't know how sorry i am" she said and set down by me. "really am...." she trailed off she was gonna say something but i cut her off my kissing her. she wrapped her arms around my neck and i leaned her back on the bed. i stop and realize what i was doing

"Michelle can i"i asked. yes we are separating but i still want to make love to her one last time.

"yes Brian i want to too"she kissed me. so i undressed her and she did the say to me. then i layed on top of her and start making love to her.

Brian the third pov

i get to Matt's. Kaya was only there thour.

"tell me everything baby" she said kissing my lips and setting on my lap.

"well dad said that Michelle's not my mom that my mom was very young when she had me" i said "they lied to me"

"i'm sorry baby" she kissed "you always has me"

"i know baby" i kissed her she wrapped her arms around my neck and i let my hand slowly slide down to her ass.i grabbed it and she pulled away

"my dad is gone baby" she smark. "it's just us"

"but i never did it" i said. i do want to make love to her.

"i never have either" she said "but we can try it" she  stood up and grabbed my hand

"ok does you dad have any condoms" i asked what i don't want to get her pregnant at least not now anyways, and plus with i did, her dad would kill me, my dad would kill me.

"yeah, i'll go get one" she said going into her dad's room. then she came out with a smile and a condom in her hand. she jumped up in my arms and i count her and walked to her room. i laid her down on the bed and pulled of her jeans and she pulled off my shirt then my pants.i putted off her panties and inter her."i love you Kaya" i said slowly pushing it in more.

"i love you too Brian" she said warping her arms around my neck and digging her niles in the back of my neck.


i stop and pulled out of her and laid down beside her. she laid her head on my chest and i started to play with a piece of her hair. "did i hurt you"

"i'm ok Brian" she said and kissed me. i looked over at the clock on her bedside table it said 7:00pm

"when is your mom and dad coming home" i asked. i know i need to leave but i'm really tired and i don't want to leave Kaya.

"i think around 9 they went to see my grandparents" she said and kissed me."do you want to stay the night" she asked.

"mMm what about your dad" i asked

"it's ok i'll wake you up before he wakes up in the morning" she said and kissed me again.

"ok" i kissed her head then her lips"goodnight baby"

"goodnight Brian"she said and kissed my lips then laid her head on my chest and went  to sleep.then i falled asleep with her in my arms


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love ya <3

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