Chapter 23:we are going on tour

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Cierra p.o.v

we are gonna go on tour in a few day's. my band is going on tour, a7x is going on tour, but my band is going on tour will black veil brides and all time low, and a7x is going on tour with falling in reverse and a day to remember. but we are only going to play a show then my band, all time low and  bvb are going on tour and a7x , falling in reverse and a day to remember are going to tour. then we are going to meet at the very end of the tour,and we are only gonna be on tour for like five months. i'm a week and a half pregnant and  my baby boy is graduating this saturday  with trice is too, i'm so proud of them both. the good thing is that we leaving the day after they since it's summer and school is out we are taking the kids. some kids are gonna go with Zacky and the other half will go with me then like after a few months  the ones that are with Zacky will come with me. but some that don't want to go will stay home with leanna and Kim. the kids that are mine that are going are Andy,chris,charlotte,cheer winnie, zoey.but James is coming but his stay with Zacky for a munthe then he's gonna come with me for a munthe then Leanna's gonna take him. i'm in my room packing my things for the tour, when zacky came in.

"hey baby" he said and warped his arms around my wrist.

"hey baby, do you get the others pack and ready to go for tomorrow" i asked he said that he'll help winnie and james pack.

"yes, they are all packed and ready to go, now how about my babies" he said putting a kiss on my lips.

"we are good, just worried about this tour" i said warping my arms around his neck. he put his hand on my belly. i'm starting to be a little belly.

"baby it'll be fine"he said "don't worry love" he kissed me.

"ok, i'll try not to"i put my head on his chest.

"so Andy's graduating  tomorrow" he said and chuckled a little.

"yep our baby boy is growing up" i looked up at zacky, he's only a little taller than me but i still have to look up at him.

"it was only like yesterday when he brought him home from the hospital" i said

"i know baby, god i remember that day so well"he said.

*********************************Flashback***********************************************************(this flashback is gonna be in Zacky p.o.v.

I  just get back from my  house. Cierra setting on the couch with Sarahi and she rubbing her belly. god she's nine months pregnant. Brian and Michelle are in the living room. "

hey, Zee"michelle said.

"hey guys"i said walking over to them

"uncle Zee" Sarahi screamed and jumped up, i picked her up and thor her up and caught her.

"hey baby" Cierra said rubbing her belly.

"hey how are you doing" i asked looking at her belly.

"i'm fine, we're fine" she said then she made  a looked on her face the was mixed with pain and worried.

"baby you ok" i asked.

"MmM i think i'm in labor" she said and Michelle and Brian come over to her. "yeah Zacky she's in labor we need to get her to the hospital" Michelle said. i put Sarahi down and want over to Cierra.

"what do i need to do"i asked.

"help her to the car, i'll get sarahi and the bag, Brian call the hospital" Michelle said and i nodded and walked over to Cierra. "

come on baby" i said i grabbed her hand,

"Ooo baby it's hurts" she cried a little.

"ok then i'll pick you up"  Isaid she nodded her head and I picked her up and walked to the car. Brian got in the driver set, Michelle set in the back with me and Cierra.  sarahi set upfront with Brian.

later at the hospital  

"last push, baby you're doing great" i said kissing Cierra's head

"i'm Zacky" she said and gave one last push. we heard the second of a baby crying.

"Daddy you wanna cut the cord" the doc asked i walked over and cut the cord. then they gave Cierra a baby wrapped in a blue blanket

"its a boy" he said and i walked back over to her. i kissed her head then her lips. and i looked down at our new born baby boy,

"what we gonna name him" i asked her.

"i don't know you wanna hold him" she asked i nodded and she handed him to me. she looked at me and smile

"you know think he looks like  a Andrew" she said

"Andrew Elwin Baker" i said. and kissed his little head.

"i love it and we should call him Andy" she said.

"yeah i love it too" i set on the edge on her bed. then the door open. Michelle,Brian and Sarahi came in.

"i wanna see him mummy i wanna see him" Sarahi said tugging on Michelle hand "i wanna see him" she said again.

"ok baby girl you will" Brian picked her up and walked over to the bed.

"what his name" Brian asked

"Andrew Elwin Baker" Cierra said proudly.

"i wanna see daddy" Sarahi said "

come here sweetheart" Cierra holded our her arms and Sarahi claimed in her arms.

"what his name" she asked

 "Andrew Elwin Baker" she said again

"Andy i wanna call him Andy" she smiled "

yes sweetheart you can call him Andy" i said "

can i hold him"Sarahi asked

"sure you can" i said and let her hold him Cierra help hold him with her,

"Mummy can i keep him"  the light in Sarahi when she said that. just made me smile a lot me. know i know that Sarahi and Andy will be best friend.

***************************End Flashback*********************************

Cierra p.o.v

"lets go see what the kids are doing" i said and we both walked out of our room to see what the kids are doing   


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