Chapter 20: Natasha

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Natasha p.ov.

i work up with a song lyric stuck in my head. i hate it when this happens i can't do anything until i get it out of my head. so i get up and looked at my clock that on my bedside table its read 6:30 its almost time to get up. i got up and walked over to my desk and grabbed my lyric book and my green pen. and i wrote down the lyrics that are in my head.

'It's like one step forward and two steps back

No matter what I do you're always mad

And I, I can't change your mind I know it's like trying to turn around on a one way street

I can't give you what you want

And it's killing me

And I, I'm starting to see

Maybe we're not meant to be'

once i had them down i remember what song it is and who's sings it'its not meant to be 'by theory of a deadman. i love them. thier like one of my favorite bands besides a7x, bvb, breaking benjamin, a day to remember and a lot more. i jumped when someone knocked on my door.

"come in"i said and my dad open the door.

"you're already up , how can" he asked walking over to the edge of the bed.

"i had a song stuck in my head and i had to get it out" i said pointed to my lyric book.

"oh..i see" he said "hey nat you wanna stay home and hang with daddy today, i know you been having trouble baby girl and here so how about we just stay home and hang" he said "i'm not doing anything that i know of"he looked at me.

"yeah and i'm really tired" i said and yea i'm having trouble at school and i'm still getting over the rve passing and i don't really talk about anything.

"ok so you can go back to sleep and i'll wake you up later" he stood up

"what about mom" i asked she would never let me stay home unless something was up.

"sweetheart like i said i know you're troubled and you mom and i both know and we talked and you can stay home for today"he and walked to the door and shut it.

wow i get to stay home yayayayaso i jumped on my bed and crawled up the my pillow and deffed off to sleep.

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