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You sighed with relief upon entering you saw the class was as busy as a grocery market since the teacher was not here. You looked around for any empty seats and saw it in a corner of the classroom . As you stepped towards what would be your permanent seat for rest of the academic year you saw a boy with messy dark brown hair sleeping peacefully behind your desk.

"Sleeping in class classic rich boy thing " you murmured . You then heard the boy behind you shuffle around as he lazy woke up. He stifled a yawn as he raised his arms to stretch himself.
"Classic new girl thinking she owns the school just because she knows little moves" the chocolate eyed boy said sending a glare towards the girl.

" did i hurt your pride too much by flinging you of me or is it just you are scared " you smirked.

"Scared " the boy asked puzzled .

"Of what you who is not even 50 pounds showing off YouTube learned rescue moves . I have bigger priority. Or is it just you want my attention like all the other girls here"he completed and looked around in disdain.

You matched his eye and looked at the girls standing in corner fawning upon the brunette . A sighed as you recognised few girls from your your earlier classes . It seems like they go around having hots for all the eligible guys around not that you found the guy infront you of seemingly eligible but you couldn't deny the fact he was handsome . Just like the guy's you met before all of them were just amazing . You didn't know them personally nor did you plan to know them but if your investigation calls for it you will have to know

"Clamoring group of annoying fools. They go around following anyone around . I hate it when they just go for looks and money " you said in annoyance .

The chocolate eyed boy nodded his head in agreement " so is this the part where i see you in new light and start to fall for you cause don't worry i don't like your type either " he kept a neutral expression as looked at you for retaliation.

"What is my type " you asked him cooly as you looked in front hoping the teacher would enter any moment now cause this guy was not your cup of tea .

"She won't come . She is on a Date"male said scoffing you only wondered why he said it with a gruff was their a underlying meaning . Even if it was how could a teacher be so reckless and not show up for class for going on a date .

"You are the type of girl i hate too smart for your own good . The kind that always gets in trouble and tries too hard" he finally answering your question from before he averted his eyes quickly staring at something beyond the school ground .

You again followed his gaze and looked at what/who he was watching . There came the happy go lucky blond from earlier and you then heard another scoff from the brunette he murmured something in a low voice "'not another one'".

"What .?"you asked him seemingly confused . He declined to tell you anything further but gave a subtle warning before dosing off to sleep

"Stay away if you want to survive" was all he said before going into peaceful slumber again.

'it isn't like you didn't know you had to stay away from them but you can't just keep it that away you needed to solve this case you absolutely needed it. It was your last chance to be free from them . '

you then notice the class was getting quiet . The door flung open as you saw a familiar face .

You tried to remember who he was and it clicked ahh the maths sir you completely ignored him in his class you were too annoyed by the red head's stare at you.

He was 5'9 average height with normal brown hair colour nothing too noticable he had a handsome face still felt blank and empty . Even though the male behind you had similar hair colour was way too unodinary then the maths sir it was almost as if there he himself didn't want to catch any unwanted attention. It was the same for the geography teacher but atleast she had a yappy personality to make her stand out from other teachers.

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