chp 3

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Ignoring the red head I sat down in my next class which was mathematics even though I was quite good at it . It always racked up my brain in the lecture. After few minutes of ignoring a gaze directly staring into her soul, her patience was diminishing every second. The tension became so high the (h/c) female was ready to shout out "what! " In order to relive some frustration

Just as she felt her sanity was slipping  the bell rings and it stabilised her temper. Gathering all her books and equipment and raced towards the door just as she set one foot across the door frame, it took her a second before realising her body was flying forward. Before she could fall she grabbed onto the door latch and stabilised herself. But all her equipment fell around  on the cold tiles like a perfect mess. She could feel the wrath engulf her body and knew it was the redhead who almost tripped her.

Some of the students snickered at her clumsiness while others stood around silently. (Y/n) glared at all of them before you began to pick your stuff and standing back up right .

"Well aren't you going to apologize " He spoke with impatience. You frowned at him catching up on the whole incident. You could only stare at the nerve of the boy. When it took you a while you heard  whispers and gasp  surrounding her, glaring at the reluctance to apologize. The whole class watched her waiting for an apology. "Apologize.?!" You couldn't believe him

"You pushed into me you could have dragged me with you " He simply spoke

"Wasn't it you who connected your foot with mine almost tripping me on purpose. I won't apologize for your misdeed"you stated sternly

Suddenly you felt a pressure on your chin and a hand forced you to look directly into ruby eyes. The boy's face was inches away from yours and a small smile played his lips.

"That wasn't a apology " He whispered in a low almost rash tone.The furious female watched as the boy's fiery gaze watched her malevolently. Not wanting to stand any more of this act you ripped yourself away from the boy. Hurting him would only get you in more trouble .

Before getting out of the classroom you threw a left jab right under his shin and scooted past him saying "sorry you were in my way".

The dumbfounded male looked around for his attacker who had long been gone from his sight.
"Tch annoying lowlifes" He murmured rubbing his sore spot .

looking around she finally reached her next class chemistry. Its always fun to experiment with chemicals. Entering the class you noticed a familiar timid boy. His purple hair totally covered by his hoodie and he was barely peeping out looking around with his purple irisis. sitting down besides him since that was the only empty seat

"I will be giving assignments please complete it with your partner before the class ends. the student besides you is your partner" the teacher  announced.

you didn't give it a second thought and opened the textbook the boy next to her looked as you began to do the work for the two. you gave him occasional glance. But each time you found him merely gazing back observing what you were doing.Half past completing your assignment.
you thought for a moment thinking what you could do.

"hey do you need something " you finally wishpered after you could feel his gaze burning holes into you. He squirmed what you assumed shyly and noded his head indicating a "no "

After few more minutes of boring his eyes on you. You finally snapped . "What is it .? " What did i do wrong .? " . You asked the boy only to see him look down shyly and keep fidgeting with a small dolphin keychain. He finally decided to look up at your face only to get alarmed when he saw your face twist into a defination of melancholy.

"What did i do wrong " you spoke breaking the purple hair boy from his trance like state. You looked straight into his eyes waiting for his response .

"What-t.? " The boy forced a whisper shyly looking at the h/c girls eyes

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