"Im gonna sue you Kim Minji for neglecting my needs" she said and Minji just chuckle at it and move a little until her lips latched on the skin of her neck

"Im sorry okay? Im fixing things for you... Just give me enough time after your operation maybe two days? Then im all yours" she sigh after her operation? Tomorrow she'll be at the hospital for the check up and when the sun goes up the operation will be ongoing.

"Make sure... Because i might crazy in love with you but if you keep this habit of yours i will fucking strangle you to death" she warned she felt soft pair of lips pressed on her and it pulls out "okay fine... Just two days and you're all mine" she added

"Yes baby... All yours"Minji promised

They lay at the bed legs tangled into each other, hearts are communicating into one another as minji feel her eye lids are pretty heavy this time. She knew all of those sleepless nights are crashing down on her and she needs to give what her body was yearning for aside of Hanni's warmth. She needs enough sleep

She wrap her arm at Hanni's slim waist and burry her face to its chest as she slowly doze off in her slumber.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙

Minji woke up with a comforting peach scent of Hanni, who never dare to move or to shift on her current position. The comforting touch of those fingertips at her skin is making Minji feel sleepy again

What is this....

All of this feelings are new to me..

Hanni is just built differently..

She look up to see her girlfriend eyes are close but she's humming into Bruno Major's Easily

" woman... Why are you so beautiful?" She asks Hanni the girl just giggle and caress her skin

"Im not beautiful Kim Minji... Stop saying that" it hurts to think that Hanni don't see herself the way Minji saw her or how perfectly fine she looks.

Her flaws are making her even more perfect and she love every inch of her.

"But baby you are the most beautiful woman i ever met..." She said its funny because she gone through a lot of woman sleep with a couple of girls be in a relationship with a different girls in the past and they are all gorgeous but Hanni... She's beautiful.Ningning is gorgeous, Sulyoon is amazing pretty too but Hanni just built differently "and it's funny how a heart like yours love a heart like mine... " the people know her for having a heart that black as a charcoal, for having a heart that hard as a stone, for having a heart that cold like an ice but for Hanni her heart turns from a dark shade of black into pure as white, from hard as a stone to soft like a cotton, from cold like an ice to warm like a fire

"I can't imagine myself opening my heart someone again so don't you dare break my heart or else you will never see me again" Hanni said she chuckle and make their faces on the same level lean down to kiss her forehead and pull it closer as she held her waist

"I would never break your heart Pham Hanni... " she just know she won't its a silly and stupid thing to do breaking a heart like Hanni is a very stupid thing that one person can do to another

" i trust you Kim Minji without a question i know you will never break my heart... " Hanni said with a sexy smile crept into her lips and held Minji's arm as she caress them

"I love you Pham Hanni" Minji whisper on her ear and kiss her temple its been a habit to give Hanni a kiss in wherever its appropriate to place

"I love you too Kim Minji" and that way Kim Minji just know she melted in the way Hanni had just say her name.

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