Chapter 2:Loss

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It's been couple of weeks since that happened, the Squad start to see Zero differently but Y/N isn't. He still talk to him and sleep with him for warmth and comfort since it's a instinct after all.

Zero is glad as he stroke Y/N's hair slowly and gently, he feel himself start to drift away everytime the Doctor injected him and experiment him with the rock called Phantom Ruby.

But whenever he sees Y/N, he feel himself. Y/N is the only one that keep him sane, he does love his Squad but they start to hate him. He can't blame them though.

He almost hurt Y/N...but here he is instead of being afraid of him or even hate him. He still talk to him, sleep with him and even hang out with him.

He love them, he love every each one of them. After all his the one who adopted them and help them from this cruel world. He feed them, he protect them, he made them feel safe, his the one who even tried to take the hits from his former boss so that they won't get hurt.

And even when he turned into a mercenary they joined him, help him and always there with him.

Even though they all hate him, they didn't leave him, their always there. He guessed they still love him after all.

A small smile appeared on his muzzle finding it amusing.

Their idiots...his idiots...

He stroke Y/N's hair again and look at his squad.

Uno isn't sleeping in the bed as usual but sleeping on the floor. He said once that the floor is comfortable to him than the bed, he seems to get use to sleep on the floor.

Duex is sleeping in the bed with his head hanging down at the edge of the bed, his a heavy sleeper. He fell off once from the hammock and still fell asleep, Quatre and Cinq decided to draw in his face that time.

Trois seems to be normal of them sleeping on the bed normally, she's even a morning person but he always wake up earlier than her.

Quatre and Cinq, the twins are always sleeping in the same bed piling at eachother and their inseparable.

And Y/N, his little brother. He love him, whenever his busy his there to keep the squad in line, his like a second in command. Y/N admires him and he doesn't know why.

Zero smiled and stroke Y/N's hair and sees Y/N stir but continue his slumber.

Their the only ones who can keep his sanity, and after this he will make them pay for what they did to them.

Until he came...

"Doctor! A intruder appeared!" Cubot yelled making Eggman stopped what his doing and take a look as well Zero.

"ugh, who is it this time?!" Eggman said in frustration and annoyance as both mini bots look at eachother then at them.

"It's Shadow the hedgehog sir" Orbot said as Zero raised a brow but Eggman have his eyes widen.

"WHAT?! WHERE IS HE?! QUICK SEND THE BOTS!" Eggman commanded as the two mini bots quickly push some buttons, Zero approuch one of the security cameras looking at it with his eyes narrowed until his eyes widen.

He sees Uno get thrown across the room hitting the wall aggressively, before Uno can get up a black hedgehog with red stripes suddenly appeared grab his neck. Zero's eyes widen.

In that moment he immediately took off. "hey! Where are you going?!" Eggman shouted at Zero but he ignore him and continue to run as fast as he can. He feel himself panicking, his heart beating too fast as he force his legs to run even more faster.

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